儿童需要掌握的绘画基本技能之一是手的动作、手眼协调能力和( )。
【单选题】 儿童绘画能力象征期,处于( )。
①  1-2岁
②  2-3岁
③  3-7岁
④  7岁以后
【单选题】 儿童绘画能力涂鸦期,处于( )。
①  1-2岁
②  2-3岁
③  3-7岁
④  7岁以后
【单选题】 儿童绘画能力定型期,处于( )。
①  1-2岁
②  3-7岁
③  2-3岁
④  7岁以后
【单选题】 儿童掌握各种动作,提高基本动作能力和身体素质的最佳方法是( )。
①  练习法
②  示范法
③  讲解法
④  游戏法
【单选题】 儿童掌握各种动作,提高基本动作能力和身体素质的最佳方法是()
①  练习法
②  示范法
③  讲解法
④  游戏法
【多选题】 儿童自我控制能力弱的表现主要有( )。
①  情绪控制能力较弱
②  很难抵制诱惑、延迟满足
③  坚持性差
④  监督与调节能力弱
【多选题】 儿童自我控制能力发展的三个阶段是( )。
①  外部控制阶段
②  外部控制向内部控制过渡的阶段
③  自我控制阶段
④  内部控制向外部控制过渡的阶段
【判断题】 绘画对幼儿手、眼、脑的协调发展具有重要意义。
【简答题】 简述幼儿绘画能力发展的阶段
【单选题】 自我控制能力本质上是一种()。
①  精神力
②  能力
③  先天性能力
④  意志力
【单选题】 Eeveryone is working harder and living a happier life now, _________ ?
①  arent they
②  arent we
③  isnt it
④  isnt one
【单选题】 Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 --_______ I put my coat here ?-- Sorry, you ________ .
①  mustnt
②  dont
③  neednt
④  cant
【单选题】 My____ brother is five years ____ than I.
①  elder … older
②  elder…old
③  older….old
④  elder…elder
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she _____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 -- Im taking my driving test tomorrow.-- _________ !
①  Cheers
②  Congratulations
③  Come on
④  Good luck
【单选题】 In order to _______ your goals, you must work hard.
①  make
②  achieve
③  require
④  develop
【单选题】 _______ the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
①  In spite of
②  But for
③  Because of
④  As for
【单选题】 By the time he was twelve, Edison____ to make a living by himself.
①  would begin
②  has begun
③  had begun
④  was begun
【单选题】 The popular singer who had been praised very highly____ to be a great disappointment.
①  turned in
②  turned out
③  turned up
④  turned down