【判断题】 单位产品得到的销售收入在扣除变动费用后的剩余称作利润。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 利润=收入-费用
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 与营业收入相配合进而确定营业利润的成本、费用包括( )。
①  商品销售成本
②  销售费用
③  营业税金及附加
④  管理费用
⑤  财务费用
【单选题】 利润表中的“净利润”是根据企业的( )扣除所得税费用后的净额
①  营业利润
②  主营业务利润
③  利润总额
④  本年利润
【判断题】 企业出售原材料获得的款项扣除其成本后的净额,应当计入营业外收入或营业外支出。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 利润表的编制原理是收入-费用=利润
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 利润总额扣除所得税费用后的利润为净利润,也称税后利润。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 利润总额扣除所得税费用后,余额是?
①  净利润
②  利润分配
③  未分配利润
④  营业利润
【单选题】 如果企业本年营业收入的增长快于营业成本的增长,那么企业本年营业利润( )。
①  一定大于零
②  一定大于上年营业利润
③  一定大于上年利润总额
④  不一定大于上年营业利润
【单选题】 工业企业正确划分成本与费用的界限,应防止的错误做法有( )。
①  乱挤成本和少计成本
②  人为调剂各月产品成本
③  人为调剂完工产品成本
④  在各种产品之间任意调整成本
【单选题】 The students were not____ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.?
①  permitted ?
②  remitted ?
③  admitted ?
④  emitted?
【单选题】 It was a minor illness, and she soon ____ it. ?
①  got over ?
②  got on with ?
③  got around ?
④  got out ?
【单选题】 Our English teacher demanded that we ____ to English broadcast every day.
①  listening
②  would listen
③  listen
④  could listen
【单选题】 He ____ have left the campus, for I saw in the classroom just a minute ago
①  mustn’t
②  shouldn’t
③  couldn’t
④  oughtn’t
【单选题】 The manager will visit your parents ____ person. ?
①  in ?
②  by ?
③  of ?
④  for?
【单选题】 There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know ____.
①  where to choose
②  which to choose
③  to choose what
④  to choose which
【单选题】 If we hadn’t got a lift, we ____ the top flat so soon.
①  would not reach
②  can not reach
③  could not have reached
④  will not reach
【单选题】 With the old man____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  lead
②  to be led
③  leading
④  led
【单选题】 The computer of this kind is ____ handling with all kinds of information.
①  capable to
②  able to
③  capable of
④  able of
【单选题】 People ____ to the speech in different ways: some got angry while others nodded in agreement.
①  responded
②  acted
③  answered
④  replied