【多选题】 由地方国家机关制定的规范性法律文件包括:
①  地方性法规
②  民族区域自治法规
③  经济特区制定的规范性法律文件
④  特别行政区基本法
【单选题】 通常所称的法律,是指由立法机关创制的规范性文件中记载的规范,包括宪法和()。
①  法规
②  国家认可的习惯、判例
③  规章
④  法律
【判断题】 会计法律制度指国家权力机关和行政机关制定的各种有关会计工作的规范性文件的总称
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 教育法规具有法律的一般特点:规范性、强制性和
①  灵活性
②  稳定性
③  可塑性
④  可比性
【多选题】 (  )是指有法律创制权的国家机关或经授权的国家机关(即立法机关)在法律规定的职权范围内,依照法定程序,制定、补充、修改和废止法律和其他规范性法律文件以及认可法律的一项专门性活动。
①  法律制定
②  法律创制
③  法律创立
④  规章制度
【判断题】 *在我国,法律就是指国家最高权力机关制定的规范性文件。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 法是特定的国家机关按照特定的方式发布的规范性文件,因此并不是国家发布的任何文件都是法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 <p>评价标准要遵循国家教育法规、教育方针和政策的要求。</p>
【多选题】 从教育制度范围来说,教育制度可以分为
①  宏观教育制度
②  中观教育制度
③  微观教育制度
④  隐性教育制度
【单选题】 三级安全教育制度是企业安全教育的基本教育制度。三级教育是指:( )
①  入厂教育、车间教育和岗位(班组)教育
②  低级、中级、高级教育
③  预备级、普及级、提高级教育
④  都不是
【单选题】 The population of many Alaskan cities has __________ doubled in the past three years.
①  larger than
②  as great as
③  more than
④  as many as
【单选题】 The match was cancelled because most of the members __________ a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  objected to have
③  were objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 - Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?
①  I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind
②  Sorry, I don’t like neither
③  Certainly, why not?
④  Yes, we like these two places
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us _____ we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 Can I have a look at your passport?
①  It is here
②  Here is it
③  Here you are
④  No, you can’t
【单选题】 Her sun – tanned face suggested that she __________ in excellent health.
①  be
②  is
③  was
④  were
【单选题】 Yesterday was my birthday. My mother .
①  made a cake to me
②  made a cake me
③  made for me a cake
④  made me a cake
【单选题】 That probably explains why public opinion is broadly __________ euthanasia (安乐死), or at least certain forms of it.
①  in relation to
②  in contrast to
③  in excess of
④  in favor of
【单选题】 Young children often can’t __________ between TV programs and commercials.
①  separate
②  distinguish
③  compare
④  contrast
【单选题】 Alice is a __________ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.
①  sensible
②  sensitive
③  severe
④  solemn