9. He feels _______ duty to help others.
that he
that his
it he
it his
【单选题】 He never does his homework [填空] others.
①  so careful as
②  as carefully as
③  carefully as
④  as careful as
【单选题】 He ___________ his friends for their help at the hotel now.
①  entertained
②  was entertaining
③  is entertained
④  is entertaining
【判断题】 He will help his colleage with her job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 It was his fault,but he put the blame on others—thats _______ we cant agree.
①  where
②  what
③  how
④  which
【判断题】 His government insisited that he stay until he finished his degree.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He was _____ his late twenties when he found his first job.
①  in
②  after
③  after
④  from
【单选题】 He is ____, but his wife is _____.?
①  awake…asleep ?
②  awake…sleep ?
③  waking…asleep ?
④  wake…asleep ?
【单选题】 He was offered $20,000 for the picture of his but he ____ it _____.
①  turned…up
②  turned ….off
③  turned ….out
④  turned …down
【单选题】 He told me that he ____ by his uncle in the countryside.
①  will be brought up
②  has been brought up
③  had brought up
④  was brought up
【单选题】 FAQs是指 ( )
①  互联网供应商
②  电子邮件
③  常见问题列表
④  邮局汇款
【单选题】 在确定具体地物流方式时,( )是第三方物流公司是跨国公司管理物流的通告作法。
①  物流外包
②  邮政系统
③  物流半包
④  配送业务
【单选题】 哪种营销方式只能通过客户关系管理工具来进行()?
①  电话回访
②  短信营销
③  EDM营销
④  SNS营销
【多选题】 按照其构成可将混合成本可以分为(  )。
①  半变动成本
②  半固定成本
③  技术性变动成本
④  延期变动成本
⑤  延期固定成本
【多选题】 应计入与存货相关成本的项目是( )。
①  存货的价值
②  存货保管成本
③  存货资金占用成本
④  存货保险成本
⑤  存货风险成本
【多选题】 本量利分析包括(    )。
①  边际贡献率分析
②  盈亏平衡分析
③  盈利条件下的本量利分析
④  营业净利润分析
⑤  一定业务量情况下企业利润分析
【多选题】 目标成本的主要形式有 (  )。
①  基于成本管理的目标成本
②  基于价格的目标成本
③  基于价值的目标成本
④  基于成本对象的目标成本
⑤  基于作业成本的目标成本
【单选题】 根据“物流成本冰山”说,露在水面之上的部分是(?  ??)。
①  企业内部消耗的物流费
②  委托的物流费用
③  制造费用
④  自家物流费
【单选题】 包装成本存在于(  )。
①  供应物流阶段
②  企业内物流阶段
③  销售物流阶段
④  企业经营全过程
【单选题】 流通加工成本存在于(  )。
①  供应物流阶段
②  企业内物流阶段
③  销售物流阶段
④  企业经营全过程