He believed his lucky number was ten, so he decided to live on the ______ floor.
【单选题】 On his next birthday he () married for ten years.
①  has been
②  will be
③  will have been
④  would have been
【单选题】 He ________ Alice for ten years.
①  married to
②  has married to
③  has married
④  has been married to
【单选题】 3. He said he had ______ this subject for ten years.
①  taught
②  pursued
③  demanded
④  afforded
【单选题】 He did me a ____ turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 He did me a _____turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 16. The jacket was so ____ that he decided to buy it.
①  much
②  little
③  expensive
④  cheap
【单选题】 23. Realizing that he hadnt enough money and ______ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch.
①  not wanted
②  not to want
③  not wanting
④  . wanting not
【单选题】 Joseph was very lucky ____ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.
①  to escape
②  to have escaped
③  to escaping
④  to be escaping
【单选题】 He is a teacher and so [填空] his wife.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【判断题】 通常企业对人们的日常生活必需品采用广泛性分销策略更为合适。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在市场营销策略中,产品策略是最根本的策略,其他策略都是依产品策略存在的,但这并不是说其它策略不重要。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 如果需求是有弹性的,销售者会考虑提高价格。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 栓剂一般应在25℃以下密闭保存。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 糖浆剂保管时应密闭,在( )摄氏度以下避光保存。
①  10
②  20
③  30
④  40
【单选题】 每年的( )月为中药饮片的重点养护期。
①  1-5
②  3-7
③  5-9
④  7-11
【单选题】 堆头陈列、多排面陈列、岛形陈列等属于( )
①  橱窗陈列
②  专柜陈列
③  量感陈列
④  悬挂式陈列
【单选题】 产品在产品市场生命周期中的( )时,促销重点目标是促进信任与购买。
①  导入期
②  成长期
③  成熟期
④  衰退期
【判断题】 一般来说,在成熟期销售达到高峰。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 药品营销过程中,货款只能用现金支付。
①  正确
②  错误