激光打印机可以进行复写打印。( )
【单选题】 打印机的分类:针式打印机、喷墨打印机、激光打印机、( )。
①  老式打印机
②  多功能一体机
③  分子打印机
④  联网打印机
【单选题】 激光打印机属于_
①  非击打式打印机
②  热敏式打印机
③  击打式打印机
④  针式打印机
【单选题】 激光打印机属于_____。
①  非击打式打印机
②  点阵式打印机
③  击打式打印机
④  热敏式打印机
【单选题】 相较于激光打印机,针式打印机具有的优点是____。
①  耗材便宜
②  噪音小
③  打印速度快
④  使用方便
【单选题】 激光打印机的耗材是( )。
①  墨盒
②  硒鼓
③  墨水
④  钢珠
【判断题】 激光打印机的耗材为墨盒。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 激光打印机使用的耗材为?
①  色带
②  墨盒
③  硒鼓
④  油墨
【单选题】 激光打印机激光扫描系统脏污会导致哪种现象发生?( )
①  打印效果浅淡
②  卡纸
③  没有影响
④  损坏硒鼓
【单选题】 激光打印机的整个打印过程可以分为控制器出来阶段、墨影和( )。
①  输出
②  转印
③  压缩
④  打印
【单选题】 打印机按工作方式分为针式打印机,喷墨式打印机和( )
①  针式打印机
②  喷墨式打印机
③  并行打印机
④  激光打印机
【单选题】 The trees stand nearly barren; their leaves lay on the ground. Identify the mistake in the sentence.
①  stand
②  barren
③  leaves
④  lay
【单选题】 I would accept that there was a bias in some key areas of British life, [] that bias has now gone.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 He argued that it is the youths duty to find the problems in the society [] solve the problems in the society.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 They are sweeping the floor wearing masks. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  sweeping
②  the
③  wearing masks
【单选题】 Professor Smith, together with twenty of his students, [] coming to our school in May for a short visit.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 One of the best ways [] can protect the environment is sustainable development.
①  which
②  in which
③  how
④  that
【单选题】 Nowadays news [] transmitted instantly to mass audiences.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 Fifteen minutes [] enough time for this exercise.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 Because he hadnt finished his assignment, so he continued working in the classroom. Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【单选题】 All people, [] they are old or young, have been trying their best to help those in need.
①  even if
②  whether
③  no matter
④  however