【判断题】 设总体X服从两点分布P(X=0)=1-p,P(X=1)=p,其中p为未知参数,X1,…,Xn为来自总体X的一个样本,则X1+Xn是统计量。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 设总体X服从两点分布P(X=0)=1-p,P(X=1)=p,其中p为未知参数,X1,…,Xn为来自总体X的一个样本,则X1Xn是统计量。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 设总体X服从两点分布P(X=0)=1-p,P(X=1)=p,其中p为未知参数,X1,…,Xn为来自总体X的一个样本,则max(X1,…,Xn)是统计量。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 设总体X服从两点分布b(1,p),即P(X=1)=p,P(X=0)=1-p,其中p是未知参数,X1,X2,...,Xn是来自X的简单随机样本,则下面哪个不是统计量( )
①  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/FD34AE052BBDF058DFCE8853AF0C0383.png _src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/FD34AE052BBDF058DFCE8853AF0C0383.png style=vertical-align: middle; >
②  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/566FA21C63E032794D25BEAC1D3AD93F.png _src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/566FA21C63E032794D25BEAC1D3AD93F.png style=vertical-align: middle; >
③  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/1A2F04B0ABB10DBE5024C4EFC0EABE50.png _src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/1A2F04B0ABB10DBE5024C4EFC0EABE50.png style=vertical-align: middle; >
④  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/833EFBA907E905B0B6A247D2698510A8.png _src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/833EFBA907E905B0B6A247D2698510A8.png style=vertical-align: middle; >
【单选题】 设总体X服从两点分布b(1,p),即P(X=1)=p,P(X=0)=1-p,其中p是未知参数,X1,X2,...,Xn是来自X的简单随机样本,则下面哪个不是统计量( )
①  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D118980877EE8C6A7E75B30713344193.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
②  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/DA6F02124EB1BA2471F850F95360226E.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
③  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/07F880E850B63DB9E0B83975AC6A50BF.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
④  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/2E56724E203B58F1AB96F977B0C3C6AF.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
【判断题】 设总体X服从两点分布P(X=0)=1-p,P(X=1)=p,其中p为未知参数,X1,…,Xn为来自总体X的一个样本,则<img class=jc-formula data-tex=\sum _{ i=1 }^{ n }{ { (X_{ i }+p) }^{ 2 } } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/4E36F733F40D935CD5BDCE5620AE0053.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>是统计量。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 设X,Y独立同分布P(X=-1)=P(Y=-1)=1/2,P(X=1)=P(Y=1)=1/2则
①  X=Y
②  P(X=Y)=0
③  P(X=Y)=1/2
④  P(X=Y)=1
【多选题】 设总体X服从两点分布P(X=0)=1-p,P(X=1)=p,其中p为未知参数,<img class=jc-formula data-tex={ X }_{ 1 },{ X }_{ 2 },...,{ X }_{ n } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/1A77A7F1AEA0B84E0F36D6AC808158F6.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>是来自总体X的简单随机样本,则下列是统计量的有( )
①  <img class=jc-formula data-tex=max({ X }_{ 1 },{ X }_{ 2 },...,{ X }_{ n }) src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/4E5E92D3C558E3F845F49B60B8A282A3.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
②  <img class=jc-formula data-tex={ X }_{ 1 }+{ X }_{ 2 } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/B4579086B95BB4CEA432EF63A28D8C83.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
③  <img class=jc-formula data-tex={ X }_{ n }^{ 2 }-{ X }_{ 1 }^{ 2 } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D3FF9FBC0271E464E62C8B6F9FCA2701.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
④  <img class=jc-formula data-tex=2(p+1){ X }_{ 1 }{ X }_{ 2 } src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/B9AB3B6BE0CC1A0F54AE2A3079ED07BA.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
【单选题】 设X服从参数为a的泊松分布,且P(X=1)=2P(X=2),则a=
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 设X~B(2,p),Y~B(3,p)若P(X1)=5/9,则P(X1)=
①  19/27
②  1/9
③  1/3
④  1/24
【单选题】 ____, the more you are aware of content and meaning.
①  The more words you are familiar to
②  The more words you are familiar with
③  You are familiar to more words
④  You are familiar with more words
【单选题】 The English teacher strongly advises that every student ____ an all English dictionary.
①  to buy
②  buying
③  in buying
④  buy
【单选题】 Only about one out of twelve of the young men and women of this country ____ college education.
①  receive
②  receives
③  have received
④  have been received
【单选题】 The boy and his mother were ____ in the burning house.
①  involved
②  trapped
③  enclosed
④  surrounded
【单选题】 ____ of whether you are ill or not, I want you to cover the story of today’s conference on the environment.
①  Regardless
②  Despite
③  Even
④  Considering
【单选题】 It is an ____ change that has taken place.
①  amazing
②  attempting
③  awaking
④  amusing
【单选题】 19. Water will continue to be ____ it is today —next in importance to oxygen.
①  how
②  Which
③  as
④  what
【单选题】 I’ll pick you up as promised, ____it rainy or fine.
①  will
②  be
③  should
④  no matter
【单选题】 29. As they cant afford to let the situation get worse, they will take some necessary ____.
①  decisions
②  sides
③  directions
④  steps
【单选题】 -I’m sorry I broke your mirror.-Oh, really? ____.
①  It’s OK with me
②  It doesnt matter
③  Don’t be sorry
④  I don’t care