【判断题】 合同的不安抗辩权属于后履行合同义务的当事人享有的抗辩权
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 我国《合同法》规定的履行抗辩权有()
①  不安抗辩权
②  后履行抗辩权
③  同时履行抗辩权
④  先诉抗辩权
【单选题】 ()不属于双务合同履行中的抗辩权
①  先履行抗辩权
②  同时履行抗辩权
③  先诉抗辩权
④  不安抗辩权
【多选题】 6、合同法规定的抗辩权有( )
①  不安抗辩权
②  同时履行抗辩权
③  先履行抗辩权
④  后履行抗辩权
【单选题】 应当先履行合同债务的当事人,可以行使不安抗辩权的情形是:有确切证据证明对方()。
①  经营状况恶化
②  丧失商业信誉
③  转移财产
④  更换法定代表人
【单选题】 《合同法》中规定的合同履行抗辩权,是指合同履行过程中当事人任何一方因对方的违约而(? )的行为。
①  解除合同
②  变更合同
③  转让合同
④  中止履行合同义务
【判断题】 甲与乙订立货物买卖合同,约定甲于1月8日交货,乙在交货期后的一周内付款。交货期届满时,甲发现乙有转移资产以逃避债务的行为。对此甲可依法行使不安抗辩权。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《合同法》规定的“抗辩权”是指,一方有违约行为时对方有权()。
①  撤回合同
②  撤销合同
③  解除合同
④  中止履行义务
【判断题】 债务转让后,原债务人对债权人的抗辩权消灭。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在我国,诉讼时效届满不是消灭(?),而是发生权利人的请求权效力减等的效果,即义务人享有提出不履行义务的抗辩权。
①  上诉权
②  申诉权
③  胜诉权
④  诉讼权
【单选题】 Don’t _______ our hopes. As long as we pull together, we’ll make it.
①  give up
②  give out
③  give back
④  give away
【单选题】 Every morning, Tim often sees groups of middle-aged women _______ in the square.
①  dance
②  to dance
③  dances
④  danced
【单选题】 We decided to _______ to help the sick children with their homework.
①  go to the hospital
②  went to a hospital
③  going to a hospital
④  went to the hospital
【单选题】 You should _______ your shoes before you enter the dancing room.
①  get off
②  put off
③  take off
④  fall off
【单选题】 There are ________ people in front of the cinema gate so we have to wait ________ time to get into the cinema.
①  too much; much too
②  too many; too much
③  much too; too much
④  too much; too many
【单选题】 There are four pairs of socks to ______, but the woman doesn’t know ______ to buy.
①  choose from; which
②  choose from; what
③  choose; which
④  choose ;what
【单选题】 Last month Miss Han ______ a doctor.
①  married with
②  married to
③  was married with
④  got married to
【单选题】 Light waves and heart waves are all electromagnetic. ______ are radio waves.
①  Some
②  Such
③  As
④  So
【单选题】 Ancient Chang’an was seven times _____ the size of today’s Xi’an city.
①  /
②  as much as
③  that of
④  of
【单选题】 How difficult it is ______ the modern world without oil.
①  imagining
②  imagined
③  to imagine
④  having imagined