A: That was a great dinner. [填空] B: Thanks. But it really only took an hour.
I have never had it before.
You must have spent all day cooking.
I enjoyed it very much.
Who cooked it?
【单选题】 A: I got a job from Dell B: Thats great news. Im very happy for you. A: Thanks. I feel like celebrating. Lets go have a beer. [填空].
①  Its on me
②  Its so fine today
③  Its your turn
④  It is rather expensive
【判断题】 A: Thank you very much! B: No thanks.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Thanks a lot. I really enjoyed your company. B: Dont mention it. [填空].
①  Sorry to keep you out
②  Many happy returns of the day
③  Youre too polite
④  Me too
【单选题】 —We all had a lot of fun at the barbecue ?yesterday. Pity you weren’t there. —I really should have gone with ?you but I _______ on some remaining problems.
①  worked
②  was working?
③  would work
④  would have worked
【单选题】 I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music.
①  A.我不仅要特别奖赏那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要奖赏那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
②  B.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们提供美好音乐的人。
③  C.我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些为我们演奏好音乐的人。
④  D.我特别赞扬的不是那些准备了这次盛晚宴的人,而是那些为我们演奏美好音乐的人。
【单选题】 A: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink? B:[填空].
①  Its your pleasure
②  Its very kind of you
③  Youre too nice to me
④  You spend money again
【单选题】 I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I______ the book from which it was made.
①  have read
②  had read
③  should have read
④  are reading
【单选题】 “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you,—and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. ” This passage is taken from ________.
①  Emma
②  Wuthering Heights
③  Jane Eyre
④  Pride and Prejudice
【单选题】 Can I have the records [填空] I lent you?
①  that
②  whom
③  those
④  whose
【判断题】 He are cooking the dinner.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 填制记账凭证是各种核算组织程序所共有的账务处理步骤
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 会计科目只有总分类科目一个级次
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 会计的基本职能是[填空]和[填空]。
【简答题】 基本会计等式是[填空]。
【简答题】 什么是收益性支出和资本性支出?两者划分错误会有什么样的后果?
【简答题】 什么是资产?资产的特征是什么?
【单选题】 下列对购买行为的“刺激—反应”模式解释不正确的是( )
①  A.消费者受到消费刺激包括外部环境的和企业的营销组合。
②  消费者黑箱是企业能够观察到的。
③  购买者的反应包括购买行为、消费者的态度等。
④  消费者黑箱包括消费者的购买决策过程以及影响因素。
【简答题】 宏观环境因素包括人口环境、经济环境、[填空] 、[填空]、社会文化环境。
【简答题】 企业的宏观环境包括经济、社会文化、[填空]、科学技术、人口、[填空]几大要素。
【简答题】 请介绍目标市场选择的标准。