A: Would you like to order now? B: [填空].
Im full now
But the price is high
Yes, Id like fish and soup
Its very kind of you
【单选题】 Would you like to go fishing with us now?
①  No, I don’t like
②  It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to do
③  I won’t tell you
④  Oh, it is well
【单选题】 A: Would you like some wine? B: Yes, just [填空].
①  little
②  very little
③  a little
④  little bit
【单选题】 A: Id like to ask you a question. B: [填空]
①  Yes, go ahead.
②  Sorry, Im kind of busy.
③  OK, whats up?
④  Yeah, whats on your mind?
【单选题】 A: What would you like, sir? B: [填空].
①  Two cups of coffees
②  Two coffees
③  Two cup of coffee
④  Two cups coffee
【单选题】 31.?—Would you like ___ more cakes ? ---Yes, ____
①  some;nomore
②  some;anothertwocakes
③  any;moretwocakes
④  any,morethantwo
【单选题】 —Im looking for a flat.—Would you like _____ with _____ garden?
①  the
②  a
③  a
④  one; the
【单选题】 A: Would you like come to dinner tonight? B: [填空].
①  Lets put it off till later
②  Thanks, but I have to work overtime
③  I really cant. Youll not mind, I think
④  No, I dont want to
【单选题】 A: Its very kind of you to show me the way. B: [填空].
①  Youre welcome
②  It was nothing
③  Not at all
④  Never mind
【单选题】 A: Hello, Jane, do you still remember you said youd like to see Yao Ming? B: [填空] A: He is here at our university now.
①  Yes, why?
②  Yes, so what?
③  No, I dont.
④  No, I dont like him.
【单选题】 A: [填空]? B: Yes, Id like a gin and tonic and some crisps.
①  What do you want to eat
②  Excuse me, are you ready to order now
③  Excuse me, but whod like to order
④  Have you decided what to have yet
【单选题】 中美课堂教学的对比,说明( )
①  中国课堂没有注重让儿童亲身、自主的探索活动中掌握知识
②  美国课堂教学孩子的问题越来越多
③  中国教师认真负责
④  中国的教育以儿童为中心
【单选题】 兴趣是最好的老师,科学家生物学家达尔文从小对动植物感兴趣,说明对儿童智育应重视( )的培养
①  非智力因素
②  动手能力
③  智力因素
④  想象力
【单选题】 如何明白易懂的回答儿童的提问,从而开发儿童的智力,保护儿童的求知欲( )哪一项是错误的
①  可以引导儿童自己去探索
②  回答儿童的问题要根据不同年龄、不同理解力的儿童来回答问题
③  粗暴的拒绝儿童的提问
④  耐心地倾听孩子的提问
【单选题】 知、情、意、行这四个要素的关系( )
①  相互制约
②  相互影响,相互作用
③  有先后顺序
④  相辅相成
【单选题】 全球学前教育目标的发展趋势是( )
①  全面和谐发展
②  知识传授
③  培养创造力
④  智力开发
【单选题】 加强( )是现代社会的迫切需求
①  美育
②  体育
③  德育
④  智育
【单选题】 使用范例的方法进行教育时,( )要以身作则
①  教师
②  家长
③  同伴
④  幼儿
【单选题】 教师对知识的介绍、说明、讲解、分析、举例等必须准确无误,以有利于儿童形成科学的概念,体现教育的( )
①  思想性原则
②  直观性原则
③  趣味性原则
④  科学性原则
【单选题】 在体育教学活动中,教师进行动作示范,是哪种直观手段( )
①  实物直观
②  模具直观
③  动作直观
④  语言直观
【单选题】 制约作用可以( )
①  引导学前儿童的认知发展
②  平衡学前儿童的情绪
③  影响学前儿童的行为方式和发展方向
④  强化学前儿童的积极态度