领导理论的发展大致经历了三个阶段,( )侧重于研究领导人的性格、素质方面的特征。
【单选题】 领导理论的发展大致经历了三个阶段,( )侧重于研究领导人的性格、素质方面的特征。
①  性格理论阶段
②  行为理论阶段
③  效用领导阶段
④  权变理论阶段
【单选题】 领导理论的发展大致经历了三个阶段,(? )侧重于研究领导人的性格、素质方面的特征
①  性格理论阶段
②  行为理论阶段
③  效用领导阶段
④  权变理论阶段
【判断题】 俄亥俄州立大学提出的“领导寿命周期理论”专门研究了领导者在不同生命阶段所具有的特征,以及这些特征对领导行为的影响
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 变革型领导理论属于权变理论研究。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 皮亚杰的认识发展理论阶段不包括( )
①  前运算阶段
②  感知运动阶段
③  逻辑运算阶段
④  具体运算阶段
【单选题】 舒伯的生涯发展理论提出职业发展分为哪些阶段?( )①成长阶段②探索阶段③建立阶段④维持阶段⑤衰退阶段
①  ①②③④⑤
②  ①②③④
③  ②③④⑤
④  ①②④⑤
【单选题】 “三三三”理论将人的职业生涯分3阶段:输入阶段、输出阶段、淡出阶段。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 埃里克森提出的个体发展理论的第三个阶段是( )。
①  勤奋对自备
②  自我对羞怯
③  疑虑、主动对内疚
④  信任对不信任
【简答题】 简述皮亚杰认知发展阶段理论。
【多选题】 皮亚杰的认知发展阶段理论是以( )为其特征的。
①  不变顺序
②  可变顺序
③  基础结构
④  连续整合
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 It’s no good ____ him. He is always indifferent towards others’ matters.
①  to turn to
②  turning to
③  turn to
④  turned to
【单选题】 The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走)quietly to the bird. _____ into the forest when he was about to catch it.
①  Flew it away
②  Away flew it
③  Away it flew
④  Flew away it
【单选题】 In order to prepare a lecture, one must do a lot of research and spend plenty of time____ his material so that his speech is clear and easy to follow.
①  organizing
②  managing
③  operating
④  breeding
【单选题】 It is ten years_____ Miss Green returned to Canada.
①  that
②  when
③  since
④  as
【单选题】 Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ____ the atmosphere.
①  as it is
②  so is
③  the same as
④  and so is
【单选题】 Some words are hard to____ because they have too many different uses.
①  express
②  explain
③  define
④  describe
【单选题】 Modern ____ perhaps causes more problems than it solves.
①  technique
②  technology
③  tactics
④  tendency
【单选题】 Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work.
①  discover
②  find
③  achieve
④  stop
【单选题】 People____ very much in their ideas.
①  change
②  vary
③  alter
④  transform