交流接触器的短路环损坏后,该接触器( )使用。
【单选题】 交流接触器由( )组成。
①  操作手柄、动触刀、静夹座、进线座、出线座和绝缘底板
②  主触头、辅助触头、灭弧装置、脱扣装置、保护装置动作机构
③  电磁机构、触头系统、灭弧装置、辅助部件等
④  电磁机构、触头系统、辅助部件、外壳
【判断题】 在接触器正、反转控制线路中,若正转接触器和反转接触器同时通电会发生两相电源短路。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 交流接触器____发热是主要的。
①  线圈
②  铁心
③  触点
④  短路环
【判断题】 当要求甲接触器工作时乙接触器不能工作,或者乙接触器工作时甲接触器不能工作时,要在这两个接触器的线圈电路中互串对方的动合触点。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 电磁式交流接触器和交流继电器的区别是(??)
①  交流接触器有短路环,而继电器没有
②  交流接触器有主、辅助触点之分,而继电器没有
③  没有区别
④  以上都不对
【判断题】 当要求甲接触器工作时,不允许乙接触器工作,应在乙接触器的线圈电路中串入甲接触器的动断触点。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 交流接触器的()发热是主要的.
①  A.线圈
②  B.铁心
③  C.触头
④  D.电源
【单选题】 欲使接触器KM1和接触器KM2实现互锁控制,需要()。
①  在KM1的线圈回路中串入KM2的常开触点
②  在KM1的线圈回路中串入KM2的常闭触点
③  在两接触器的线圈回路中互相串入对方的常开触点
④  在两接触器的线圈回路中互相串入对方的常闭触点
【单选题】 交流接触器的作用是交流接触器用来频繁地远距离接通和切断主电路或大容量控制电路,是电力拖动中最主要的自动控制电器,但它不能切断短路电流和过载电流。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 交流接触器通电后如果铁心吸合受阻,将导致圈烧毁。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What are the five components of communicative competence?
①  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
②  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy
③  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
④  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy.
【单选题】 What are the principles of communicative language teaching?
①  Communication principle, task principle and meaningful principle
②  Communication principle, accuracy principle and meaningful principle
③  Communication principle, fluency principle and meaningful principle
④  Communication principle, task principle and purpose principle.
【单选题】 What are the listening and speaking activities in traditional pedagogy?
①  A. Listen to texts either read by the teacher or pre-recorded on the tape; repeat what is heard
②  Answer the questions according to what is heard; produce responses based on given clues
③  Retell what is heard
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 What is fluency competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is linguistic competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is the possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real-life language use?
①  Task-based teaching and learning
②  Communicative language teaching
③  Presentation, practice and production
④  Engage
⑤  study
⑥  activate.
【单选题】 What is the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching?
①  Enable SS to use the foreign language in work or life
②  Enable SS to achieve accuracy of English language structure
③  Enable SS to achieve fluency of English language structure
④  Enable SS to speak standard English.
【单选题】 What is pragmatic competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What qualities are considered good qualities of a good teacher?
①  Kind, humorous, well informed
②  Hard working, disciplined
③  Well prepared, dynamic and patient
④  All of the above
【单选题】 What does the interactional view of language see language?
①  A system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learner
②  A communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people
③  A linguistic system made up of various subsystems
④  A linguistic system and a means for doing things.