The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
all of their homes
all their homes
whose all homes
all of whose homes
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 The old couple, whose kids have all passed away, have to ( ) only with their small pensions.
①  get at
②  get to
③  get by
④  get through
【单选题】 All people, [] they are old or young, have been trying their best to help those in need.
①  even if
②  whether
③  no matter
④  however
【单选题】 Were it not for the rainny weather, they______ all right.
①  would be
②  may be
③  would have been
④  were
【单选题】 We looked for a table to sit down, but they were all ____.
①  reserved for
②  engaged in
③  used up
④  taken up
【单选题】 the newcomers found it impossible to ____ themselves to the climate sufficiently to makepermanent homes in the new country.
①  suit
②  adapt
③  regulate
④  coordinate
【单选题】 All the flights ____ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 All the flights _____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians ____.
①  money
②  pay
③  expense
④  loss
【多选题】 They all believed that Europeans were_____________ other people.
①  larger than
②  easier than
③  better than
④  superior to
【单选题】 智慧社区综合信息服务平台是一个核心的支撑平台,根据《打造智慧社区,优化居家养老(上)》,没有包括在这个平台内的是下列哪一个( )。
①  政务服务平台
②  商务服务平台
③  公共服务平台
④  老年相亲平台
【单选题】 我国新一代人工智能发展的重点任务五:构建泛在安全高效的智能化( )。
①  生活服务
②  基础设施体系
③  惠民设施
④  基础工程
【单选题】 寒武纪是( )领域的先行者,宗旨是打造各类智能云服务器、智能终端以及智能机器人的核心处理器芯片。
①  面部识别
②  无人驾驶
③  全球智能芯片
④  智能机器人
【单选题】 我国科研机构和( ) 结合产业发展现状,不断深化人工智能领域研究,为产业关键技术突破、企业人才输送等方面提供了重要支持。
①  科技部
②  企业
③  高等院校
④  社会团体
【单选题】 日本政府2015年在东京成立—( ),从全球招揽100名以上科技人才,集中开发人工智能相关技术,力图缩短与美欧之间的差距。
①  “人工智能研究中心”
②  “机器人研究中心”
③  “大脑研究中心”
④  “大脑研究中心”
【单选题】 国务院在人工智能科技创新体系、智能经济、智能社会、( )、智能化基础设施、重大科技项目等方面做出了系统部署。
①  军民融合
②  智能科技
③  智能出行
④  智能生活
【单选题】 韩国政府计划建立一个知名的研究中心以支持国家研究和发展AI技术,包括三星、LG、SKT、现代企业表示参与该计划,每家公司出资( )美金。
①  250万
②  200万
③  300万
④  400万
【单选题】 日本政府计划先期投入( )日元在东京成立人工智能研究中心,集中开发人工智能相关技术。
①  10亿
②  50亿
③  100亿
④  40亿
【单选题】 2013年,英国将机器人技术及自治化系统列入八项伟大的科技计划,宣布要力争成为( )工业革命的全球领导者。
①  第三次
②  第一次
③  第二次
④  第四次
【单选题】 百度大脑主要包含语音、图像、自然语言处理、( )四大能力。
①  信息推送
②  用户画像
③  音乐
④  视频