格兰比尔法则告诉我们,( )情况下可以考虑买入股票。
【单选题】 半年线是指哪一根均线( )。
①  90日均线
②  120日均线
③  180日均线
④  250日均线
【单选题】 正态曲线下,横轴上从均数到+∞的面积为
①  50%
②  95%
③  97.5%
④  99%
【判断题】 各观察值均加(或减)同一数后,均数不变。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在CorelDRAW12默认状态下,对象的轮廓线均预设为下列()色
【判断题】 在所有的账户中,左边均登记增加额,右方均登记减少额。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 汽车行驶时滚动阻力和坡度阻力在任何行驶条件线下均存在( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 塑性和韧性均提高。(  )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 原问题及其对偶问题均具有可行解,则两者均具有最优解.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 样本均数同标准误的关系为( )
①  均数越大,标准误越小
②  均数越大,标准误越大
③  标准误越大,样本均数代表性越大
④  标准误越大,样本均数推断总体均数的可靠性越大
【单选题】 均数和标准差的关系是:()。
①  均数愈大,S愈小
②  均数愈大,S愈大
③  S愈大,均数对各变量值的代表性愈好
④  S愈小,均数对各变量值的代表性愈好
⑤  S愈小,均数与总体均数的距离愈大
【单选题】 Three planes are waiting to _______.
①  take on
②  take to
③  take off
④  take in
【单选题】 I __________the plane bound for England yesterday morning.
①  got
②  boarded
③  move to
④  boarding
【单选题】 ________methetruth,orIllbeangry.
①  Telling
②  Totell
③  Told
④  Tell
【单选题】 A: ________________?B: Im here for my cousins wedding.
①  Whats the way of your visit?
②  Whats the plan of your visit?
③  Whats the purpose of your visit?
④  Where will you live?
【单选题】 What is the correct serving order of western dishes?
①  appetizer, soup, side dishes, main course, dessert, coffee/tea.
②  soup, appetizer, dessert, side dishes, main course, coffee/tea.
③  side dishes, appetizer, soup, main course, dessert, coffee/tea.
④  dessert, coffee/tea, side dishes, appetizer, soup, main course.
【单选题】 A:Whatdoyouwant?B:IthinkIllhaveapieceofapplepie.A:___________B:Coffeewouldbefine.
①  Anything else?
②  What would you like to drink?
③  Would you like a cup of tea?
④  How about coffee?
【单选题】 The trees must ________ three times a week.
①  water
②  watering
③  be watered
④  waters
【单选题】 ________you need to be able to concentrate.
①  At work
②  Work
③  Working
④  Worked
【单选题】 It is _____ to rain.
①  likely
②  liked
③  may be
④  like
【单选题】 They held a great party to ____their victory.
①  experience
②  celebrate
③  praise
④  respect