We hadnt met for 20 years, but I recognized her ______I saw her.
for the moment
the moment when
at the moment when
the moment
【单选题】 We hadnt met for 20 years, but I recognized her ______I saw her.
①  for the moment
②  the moment when
③  at the moment when
④  the moment
【单选题】 For a ( ) moment I saw the face of a boy.
①  fleet
②  fleeting
③  fleetly
④  fleetness
【单选题】 Could I use your dictionary for a moment?
①  It’s well
②  It doesn’t matter
③  By all means
④  I have no idea
【单选题】 — Could I use your dictionary for a moment?— _______________________.
①  Its well
②  It doesnt matter
③  I have no idea
④  By all means
【单选题】 May I use your bike for a moment?___________
①  It’s well.
②  It doesn’t matter.
③  By all means.
④  I have no idea.
【单选题】 A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment.
①  is
②  are
③  has
④  have
【单选题】 My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”
①  must be
②  must have been
③  had been
④  had to be
【单选题】 A: May I use your dictionary for a moment? B: [填空].
①  Its well
②  It doesnt matter
③  By all means
④  Here you are
【单选题】 I_______ a good opera on computer at this moment last night.
①  was watching
②  watch
③  watched
【单选题】 Tony is such a nice guy. He will not ( ) a moment to offer help when you are in trouble.
①  hesitate
②  hesitation
③  wavered
④  waverer
【判断题】 地基分为人工地基和天然地基两大类。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 实体砌块不能组砌空体墙。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 楼梯每个梯段的踏步数量一般不能超过18级。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 墙体按材料分有砖墙、石墙、板材墙和山墙。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下部过人的楼梯休息平台下最小净高不低于[填空]
①  2.0m
②  1.8m
③  2.4m
④  2.1m
【单选题】 下列属于建筑物的是[填空]。
①  水塔
②  烟囱
③  围墙
④  教学楼
【单选题】 普通建筑物的设计使用年限为[填空]年。
①  50
②  25
③  100
④  5
【单选题】 墙体是房屋的一个重要组成部分,按墙的平面位置不同分为[填空].
①  纵墙与横墙
②  外墙和内墙
③  承重墙与非承重墙
④  砖墙与钢筋混凝土墙
【单选题】 建筑物的设计使用年限为50年,适用[填空]。
①  临时性结构
②  易于替换的结构构件
③  普通房屋和构筑物
④  纪念性建筑和特别重要的建筑结构
【单选题】 建筑的构成三要素中[填空]是建筑的目的,起着主导作用。
①  建筑功能
②  建筑的物质技术条件
③  建筑形象
④  建筑的经济性