I appreciate_______ to your home.
to be invited
to have invited
having invited
being invited
【单选题】 They invited the three of ____, Bob, Joe, and ____.
①  us…me
②  we… we
③  us…I
④  we…I
【单选题】 ____ she was invited to the hall made her very happy.
①  That
②  If
③  When
④  Because
【单选题】 A number of foreign scholars [] invited to contribute articles to the magazine.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent.
①  were; was
②  was ; was
③  were
④  were; were
【单选题】 The number of people invited______ sixty, but a number of them______ absent for different reasons.
①  were; was
②  was; was
③  was; were
④  were; were
【单选题】 I have been at home [填空]Sunday.
①  on
②  for
③  at
④  since
【单选题】 Can I have a look at your passport?
①  It is here
②  Here is it
③  Here you are
④  No, you can’t
【判断题】 A: May I have your order now? B: No, I dont have a choice of meat.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: May I have your order now? B: No, I don’t have a choice of meat.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I have nothing to say____ your complaints.
①  as a result of
②  in addition to
③  with regard to
④  on behalf of
【单选题】是一个( )类IP地址。
①  A
②  B
③  C
④  D
【单选题】 在模拟信息中,以16相位键控方式传输数据,调制速率为1500波特,则数据传输速率为( )bps。
①  6000
②  24000
③  12000
④  18000
【单选题】 设线路传输速率为56000bps,4个用户共用,采用异步时分复用技术时,每个用户的最高速率为( )bps。
①  14000
②  28000
③  56000
④  19600
【单选题】 数据传输速率从本质上讲是由( )。
①  信道长度
②  信道带宽
③  传输的数据类型
④  信道利用率
【单选题】 全双工通信支持下列( )数据流。
①  单一方向
②  多个方向
③  两个方向且同时
④  两个方向,非同时
【单选题】 交换机工作于OSI模型的( )。交换机除了拥有集线器的所有功能外,还具有物理编址、网络拓扑结构、错误校验、帧序列以及流量控制等功能。
①  网络层
②  物理层
③  传输层
④  数据链路层
【单选题】 码元速率的单位是波特,这是指( )。
①  每秒传送的字节数
②  每秒传送的比特数
③  每秒传送的周期数
④  每秒可能发生的信号变化的次数
【单选题】 曼彻斯特编码是将( )。
①  数字数据转换为数字信号
②  模拟数据转换为数字信号
③  数字数据转换为模拟信号
④  模拟数据转换为模拟信号
【单选题】 传输介质一次传输一位的传输方式是( )。
①  串行传输
②  单工传输
③  异步传输
④  并行传输
【单选题】 网络适配器又称( ),是计算机间进行网络互联的重要设备。
①  显卡
②  网卡
③  总线
④  集线器