—Is your mother going to the supermarket?—No, _______.
she doesnt
shes cooking
she gets by bus
to a tailors shop
【单选题】 —Is your mother going to the supermarket?—No, _______.
①  she doesnt
②  shes cooking
③  she gets by bus
④  to a tailors shop
【判断题】 A: Her mother isnt a nurse, is she? B: Yes, she isnt.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The bus is late and Julie is cold. She____ for the bus for 10 minutes.
①  waits
②  waited
③  has been waiting
④  has waited
【单选题】 She was____ at your saying that.
①  interested
②  troubled
③  annoyed
④  anxious
【单选题】 Sometimes a bus _____gets on the bus to check the tickets.
①  agent
②  officer
③  conductor
④  inspector
【单选题】 Mother told Rose to buy some sugar in the supermarket and_____.
①  she did so
②  so she did
③  so did she
④  she did such
【单选题】 It is ____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 It is _____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 _______ is your girlfriend like?She is very kind and good-looking.
①  How
②  What
③  Which
④  Who
【单选题】 外脚手架工程量按外墙外边线长度乘以外墙脚手架高度以()计算
①  平方分米
③  平方米
④  公顷
【单选题】 某建筑物6层,外围水平面积500m2内有采光天棚(与屋面等标高)大厅60m2,外有附墙通顶垃圾道5m2,则该建筑物建筑面积为()m2。
①  3030
②  3000
③  2940
④  2730
【单选题】 法规规定,由省级政府和省级有关权力部门规定必须缴纳或计取的费用是()
①  措施项目费
②  其他项目费
③  规费
④  税金
【单选题】 工程量清单编制中,计量单位的有效位数需要保留3位的是()
③  立方米
④  平方米
【单选题】 通常情况下,当楼梯井宽度()时,工程量=楼梯间净宽×(平台宽+踏步宽)。
①  ≤500
②  >500
③  ≤300
④  >300
【单选题】 其他项目清单中,无须由招标人根据拟建工程实际情况提出估算额度的费用项目是()。
①  暂列金额
②  材料暂估价
③  专业工程暂估价
④  计日工费用
【单选题】 窗台板拆除的计量单位是()。
【单选题】 按造价形成划分的费用项目中的其他项目费不包括()。
①  暂定金额
②  计日工
③  总承包服务费
④  规费
【单选题】 根据《房屋建筑与装饰工程工程量计算规范》(GB500854-2013)规定,以下关于基础和墙身的划分说法正确的是()。
①  砖基础和墙身使用不同材料时,两种材料的分界线位于设计室内地坪±300mm以内的,以室内地坪为分界线。
②  砖基础和墙身使用不同材料时,两种材料的分界线位于设计室内地坪±300mm以内的,以不同材料为分界线。
③  砖基础和墙身使用相同材料时,以室外地坪为界,以下为基础,以上为身。
④  砖基础和墙身使用相同材料时,以相对标高-0.300为界,以下为基础,以上为墙身
【单选题】 下列计算建筑面积的是()。
①  站台
②  独立烟囱
③  勒脚
④  室外爬梯