People found to their horror that two-thirds of the adult population in that area had _______ AIDS.
【单选题】 Ill finish my adult education courses_________ two years.
①  in
②  on
③  until
④  by
【单选题】 The lives of many people have been enriched_________ adult education.
①  because
②  because of
③  as a result
④  so that
【多选题】 The lives of many people have been enriched_________ adult education.
①  because
②  because of
③  due to
④  owing to
【单选题】 Between 1990 and 2000, the population of the United States increased____________ 33 million people.
①  in
②  at
③  on
④  by
【单选题】 Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 Most people came to realize that it was about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 We’ve had an() amount of help from people
①  engage
②  encounter
③  entertain
④  enormous
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【单选题】 Of these two old people the former has died and the [] is alive and healthy.
①  later
②  latter
【单选题】 6. They criticized people who had ______to the enemy.
①  loyal
②  disloyal
③  sold out
④  sold
【单选题】 女性病人停经后突发剧烈腹痛应首先想到
①  急性肾盂肾炎
②  肝破裂
③  脾破裂
④  异位妊娠破裂
⑤  急性膀胱炎
【单选题】 对粘液性水肿昏迷的描述,下列哪项是错误的搜索复制
①  寒冷、感染、镇静剂、麻醉剂可诱发
②  多见于老年人
③  表现为躁动、高热
④  表现为嗜睡、低体温
⑤  严重时休克、呼吸衰竭、心肾功能不全
【单选题】 男,58岁,咳嗽4年,2个月来痰中带血,消瘦,X线胸片示左上肺密度较高圆形阴影。如果该病人淋巴结肿大,哪组区域的浅表淋巴结最先肿大的可能性大搜索复制
①  左颈深淋巴结上群
②  右颈深淋巴结上群
③  左锁骨上窝淋巴结
④  右锁骨上窝淋巴结
⑤  右颈深淋巴结下群
【单选题】 发热最常见的原因是
①  颅脑损伤
②  变态反应
③  无菌性坏死物质的吸收
④  内分泌与代谢障碍
⑤  感染
【单选题】 男30岁,淋雨后出现寒战高热,呼吸困难,右侧胸痛,咳铁锈色痰,口唇处可见疱疹,最可能的诊断是
①  伤寒
②  急性肾盂肾炎
③  急性胆囊炎
④  急性支气管炎
⑤  大叶性肺炎
【单选题】 一侧腹部疼痛并向大腿内侧及会阴部放射,最可能是
①  胰腺炎
②  阑尾炎
③  胆石症
④  肾及输尿管结石
⑤  病毒性肝炎
【单选题】 中度发热的口腔温度是搜索复制
①  37-37.2℃
②   37.3-37.9℃
③   38-38.9℃
④   39-40.9℃
⑤   41℃以上
【单选题】 反复发作的上腹部空腹痛或夜间痛,吃食物或服碱性药物可缓解,提示
①  胆囊炎
②  十二指肠溃疡
③  胃溃疡
④  胰腺炎
⑤  肝炎
【单选题】 胸痛多在休息时发生,活动时或转移其注意力可消失,最可能的诊断是
①  急性心肌梗死
②  急性心包炎
③  胸膜炎
④  心脏神经症
⑤  心绞痛
【单选题】 正常人立位或坐位时,颈外静脉在锁骨上缘至下颌角间的充盈水平是搜索复制
①  常不显露
②   下2/3以内
③   下1/2以内
④   下1/3以内
⑤   下2/5以内