【单选题】 食用( )烹调方法制作的食物可以促进乳母乳汁的分泌。
①  煎、炸
②  炖、煮
③  烤、熏
④  以上都不是
【单选题】 营养状况评估常用指标( )。
①  标准体重
②  体重指数
③  营养需求
④  以上都是
【单选题】 水是人体不可缺少的营养素,乳母对水的需求量较大,乳母供给婴儿乳汁约为820ml/d,而乳汁含水量达87%,故每天需要额外增加(),以供给温开水为宜有利于吸收
①  1000ml
②  1200ml
③  1500ml
④  1800ml
⑤  2000ml
【单选题】 乳母的营养与孕期相似,能量及其它营养素都增加,母体能量转化为乳汁能量的有效转换率为(),营养的好坏直接影响乳汁的数量和质量,故母乳的营养非常重要
①  70%
②  75%
③  80%
④  85%
⑤  90%
【多选题】 儿童营养状况评价的步骤和方法中,包括以下哪些?()
①  A.有效的干预措施
②  B.临床询问
③  C.膳食调查
④  D.体格检查和体格发育评价
⑤  E.实验室检查
【判断题】 白蛋白可以敏感地反映近期蛋白质营养状况
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 体重是反映婴幼儿生长与营养状况的灵敏指标。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 前白蛋白可以敏感地反映近期蛋白质营养状况
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 可用于维生素B1营养状况鉴定的指标是
①  红细胞内谷胱甘肽还原酶活力系数
②  红细胞转酮酶活力与二磷酸硫胺素效应
③  暗适应能力
④  基础代谢率
【单选题】 影响乳汁分泌量的食物因素,不包括()
①  蛋白质
②  脂肪
③  多汁食品
④  碳水化合物
【单选题】 He looked at the little girl, _________ where he had seen her before.
①  wondering
②  wondered
【单选题】 Decades ago there was a time ______ people believed that the natural sources would never be used up.
①  which
②  when
③  with which
④  whenever
【单选题】 I don’t know the place ________ he studied.
①  which
②  that
③  where
④  in where
【单选题】 Mr. Zhang, _______ we have learned a lot, is very popular among us.
①  who
②  from that
③  from whom
④  whom
【单选题】 The biggest day ____________ I’ve ever been to is Beijing.
①  where
②  that
【单选题】 I don’t know the reason ___________ she is absent again today.
①  that
②  why
【单选题】 The boy worked hard ______ he could get the prize.
①  so that
②  so as to
③  so as
④  in order to
【单选题】 _______ my parents refused to support me, I have to earn money by myself.
①  When
②  Even
③  Since
④  So
【单选题】 Doris kept reading the poem ______ she could bear it in her mind.
①  until
②  unless
③  when
④  and
【单选题】 He left home without ______ any message to his parents.
①  leaving
②  leave