【单选题】 鲜蛋的卫生问题主要是( )污染和微生物引起的腐败变质。
①  副溶血性弧菌
②  大肠杆菌
③  沙门氏菌
④  葡萄球菌
【判断题】 由于蔬果含有大量的营养物质,可被微生物利用,导致蔬果的腐败变质。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “土腥味”与微生物的分泌物“土腥味素”有关,分泌此物质的微生物是()。
①  支原体
②  衣原体
③  立克次体
④  螺旋体
⑤  放线菌
【单选题】 腐败菌或病原微生物几乎不再生长的温度大约为
①  9.5℃
②  0℃
③  -9.5℃
④  -18.5℃
【单选题】 人类通过微生物生产的食品有
①  牛奶
②  火腿
③  酸乳酪
④  黄瓜
【单选题】 微生物的种类与土壤pH值有一定关系,在中性条件下,微生物以()为主。
①  微生物
②  真菌
③  细菌
【判断题】 低温对微生物的生长起促进作用,如冷藏就是利用低温促进微生物发育的原理储藏食品。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 如何预防食品的腐败变质?
【单选题】 食品干燥储藏法主要排除了微生物赖以生存的()
①  蛋白质
②  温度
③  气体
【单选题】 下列微生物属于原核微生物的是
①  细菌
②  霉菌
③  酵母菌
④  单细胞藻类
【判断题】 阅读课文II.How to Improve Memory, 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:You can watch TV and memorize new words at the same time.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 I shall never forget the days when I first ________________ Beijing.
①  set foot in
②  arrive at
③  arrived at
④  set out
【多选题】 I___________ to mail a letter to Canada.
①  want
②  would like
③  sorry
④  think
【多选题】 When I got my first sight of the garden, its beauty____________took my breath away.
①  near
②  nearly
③  almost
④  hardly
【多选题】 The doctor is busy_______________ and cant speak to you.
①  at present
②  at all
③  right now
④  at last
【多选题】 I want to mail this letter to the U.S..___________ ?
①  How often do you hear from Mary
②  How many people are there in your family
③  How much is the postage
④  How much will it cost
【多选题】 A: Hey, taxi! Could you take me to the Friendship Hotel?B: _______________ .
①  Sure
②  Certainly
③  Of course
④  Here you are
【多选题】 A: Is he married?B:_________
①  No, he is not married.
②  No, he is still single.
③  No, he doesnt.
④  No, he didnt.
【单选题】 Department stores in London are very large. They are called department stores because they have many_________ departments.
①  delicious
②  different
③  domestic
④  delighted
【单选题】 My father used to be very weak,_________ now he is much stronger.
①  but
②  at
③  and
④  when