Twelve is to three _____ four is to one..
【单选题】 Only about one out of twelve of the young men and women of this country ____ college education.
①  receive
②  receives
③  have received
④  have been received
【单选题】 A: What is an earthquake like? B: [填空].
①  Very interested
②  Very danger
③  Very strange
④  Very well
【单选题】 I’d like ( ) one of your boats
①  to rent
②  rent
③  renting
④  rented
【单选题】 Lily: Hello, John! What was the weather like yesterday?John: ____
①  I like nice and bright weather.
②  You don’t like cold weather, do you?
③  That was a favorable weather.
④  Nice and bright, not too cold.
【单选题】 ―______?―Id like to send this parcel to one of my friends.
①  What are you doing here
②  Whats your name
③  Where are you from
④  How may I help you
【单选题】 There _____ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.
①  is going to be
②  will have
③  are going to be
④  is going to have
【单选题】 I will count three hundred and not one of you ______ move a bit.
①  is to
②  are to
③  is
④  are
【单选题】 At that time, the committee, so far as I know, _______ of three scientists, two professors, and four senior engineers.
①  composed
②  comprised
③  consisted
④  made up
【单选题】 ―______? ― I’d like to send this parcel to one of my friends.
①  What are you doing here
②  What’s your name
③  Where are you from
④  How may I help you
【单选题】 What animal do you like [填空]? I like all kinds of animals.
①  better
②  best
③  very
④  well
【单选题】 我国社会保险法的实施时间是
①  2009
②  2010
③  2011
④  2012
【单选题】 养老保险金主要给付给
①  被保险人本人
②  配偶
③  未成年子女
④  被保险人抚养的其他近亲属
【单选题】 《失业保险条例》中,单位缴费额为工资总额的
①  1%
②  2%
③  3%
④  4%
【单选题】 下列属于生活自理障碍的是
①  生活完全不能自理
②  生活大部分不能自理
③  生活部分不能自理
④  生活完全自理
【单选题】 帮助遭受工伤者恢复信心,重新走上社会的是
①  医学康复
②  教育康复
③  职业康复
④  社会康复
【单选题】 国家规定新型农村合作医疗费用中对住院费用的政策补偿比例为
①  50%
②  60%
③  70%
④  75%
【单选题】 不属于社会救助的原则的是
①  反贫困原则
②  生存权原则
③  积极救助
④  惩戒+救助
【单选题】 受人口老龄化的影响,大部分国家的社会保障基金的筹资模式为
①  现收现付制
②  完全积累制
③  部分积累制
④  名义账户制
【单选题】 我国最早在哪种社会保险试点保险费用由个体、单位和国家三方负担
①  养老保险
②  医疗保险
③  失业保险
④  工伤保险
【单选题】 一些国家失业保险实行双轨制,是指
①  失业保险加失业救济
②  强制失业保险加非强制失业保险
③  最低工资加失业救济
④  失业保险加最低工资