I should think they have done it ________, to avoid paying you the money.
with purpose
on purpose
in purpose
to purpose
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the cruelty of AIDS
②  To explain the cause of AIDS
③  To illustrate the right attitude one should adopt towards AIDS patients
【单选题】 1. The authors purpose of writing
①  To describe a planes jolt
②  To tell the readers a story about the lightning.
③  To narrate the authors personal experience during an accident.
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To point out the disadvantages of having only one child.
②  To display the disadvantages of having only one child.
③  To raise a controversial problem with its probable causes and effects
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the authors grandparents were honest.
②  To explain what Integrity Triad realy embodies.
③  To demonstrate the authors grandparents motto
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To predict how children under the future educational system would feel
②  to tell us a story about Tommy and Maggie
③  to display the availability of the net courses
【单选题】 We should make a clear ____ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.
①  separation
②  discrimination
③  deviation
④  distinction
【单选题】 Casino hotels are built for one purpose: to attract people who will engage in ( ).
①  travelling
②  gambling
③  pleasure
④  relaxing
【单选题】 1. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing?
①  To express his anguish of movig from his old home
②  To describe the laughter and tears of the four generations of his family
③  to explain the real meaning of his grandpas wordsneversay googbye‘
④  To tell the story of his grandpas death
【单选题】 The American Red Cross is one of the volunteer organizations _______ purpose is to help the sick and the needy.
①  its
②  that
③  who
④  whose
【单选题】 I think you should ( ) your viewpoint on such an occasion.
①  assure
②  utilize
③  confront
④  voice
【单选题】 在自诊断监测点位于被监测部件负极的情况下,当CPU记录的故障为“断路或对地短路”时,说明自诊断监测点输入CPU的检测值为:
①  电源电压
②  5V
③  0V
【判断题】 相同档位的升档车速比降档车速高些更好
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在定速巡航模式控制中,节气门由执行器通过另一个臂,代替驾驶员的踏板对节气门进行控制。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 电控悬架系统的控制功能通常有调整车身高度,阻尼力控制,弹簧长度控制。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 共轨油压传感器又称共轨压力传感器
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列关于汽车电子防盗系统的描述不正确的是()
①  目前汽车电子防盗系统按结构分为机械式、电子式和物联网式。
②  电子防盗器有四种功能:服务功能、警惕提示功能、报警提示功能和防盗功能。
③  目前有点火控制防盗系统、油路防盗系统及其他防盗系统。
④  当锁好车门时,系统约有30S时间进行自我检测。
【单选题】 汽车车载控制器局域网(CAN)通讯协议是下述公司提出的:
①  SAE
【单选题】 汽车安全气囊系统(SRS)与座椅安全带收紧系统(SRTS)的点火时序为:
①  SRS与SRTS同时点火
②  SRS先点火
③  SRTS先点火
【单选题】 汽车电子控制制动力分配系统(EBD)的执行器是:
①  ABS电磁阀
②  ABS比例阀
③  回液泵电动机
【单选题】 以下不属于自动变速器换挡延迟特性的是()。
①  收敛性
②  发散性
③  组合型
④  离散型