In all his songs the great composer expresses a longing ________ his own country.
【单选题】 He put all his things [] his suitcase.
①  in
②  into
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 Sam, having forgotten to save his work [] lost all of his revisions when his computer crashed.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 He denied that his country wants to () Europe.
①  dominate
②  control
③  document
④  domestic
【单选题】 He set up in business ____ his own and was very successful
①  in
②  of
③  on
④  by
【单选题】 Little ___ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.
①  he realized
②  ?he didn’t realize
③  ?didn’t he realize
④  ?did he realize
【单选题】 His explanation is not at all clear. I find it ____.
①  essential
②  confusing
③  awful
④  puzzled
【单选题】 His handsome look, elegant taste, manners of gentleman, and ( ) knowledge in history and economy all intoxicated his pupils.
①  peculiar
②  profound
③  weird
④  abrupt
【单选题】 Was it until the1990s ____ the old man finally got a house of his own?
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  how
【单选题】 He will surely finish the job on time _______ he is left to do it in his own way.
①  in that
②  in case
③  as far as
④  so long as
【单选题】 如果要设计一个报表,该报表将用于标识公司的资产设备,那么应将该报表设计为( ? ? )。
①  标签报表
②  分类报表
③  交叉报表
④  数据透视图报表
【单选题】 若要在每次启动数据库时都自动执行某个宏,应该将这个宏命名为( ? ? )。
①  AutoMacro
②  Auto
③  AutoRun
④  AutoExec
【单选题】 在VBA语言中,如果需要利用ADO接口技术连接当前数据库,不会出现在相关的连接语句中的标识符为( ? ?)。
①  DOD
②  DataBase
③  Connection
④  CurrentProject
【单选题】 在数据库应用系统设计的概念设计阶段,需要做的事情是( ? ?)。
①  画出ER图
②  建立视图
③  建立数据字典
④  建立基本表
【单选题】 ?在一个关系R中,若存在“学号→系号,系号→系主任”,则该关系必定存在着( ? )函数依赖。
①  部分
②  平凡
③  相互
④  传递
【单选题】 ?在介绍的购物活动中,商品实体同销售实体之间是( ? ?)的联系。
①  1对1
②  1对多
③  多对多
④  多对1
【单选题】 ?设一个关系为R(A,B,C,D,E,F,G),它的最小函数依赖集为FD={A→B,A→C,C→D,C→E,A→F ,F→G},若要规范化为高一级的范式,则将得到( ? )个关系。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 在一个关系R中,若X、Y和Z为互不相同的单属性,并且存在X→Y和Y→Z,则必然存在X到Z的( )函数依赖。
①  部分
②  传递
③  直接
④  平凡
【单选题】 在利用计算机进行数据处理的四个发展阶段中,第3个发展阶段是( ? )。
①  人工管理
②  文件系统
③  数据库系统
④  分布式数据库系统
【单选题】 ?关系数据模型属于( ? )
①  概念数据模型
②  逻辑数据模型
③  存储数据模型
④  对象数据模型