I noticed she avoids making any reference _______ her first husband in her latest
【单选题】 I don’t know why she avoids __________ her opinion on the subject.
①  to give
②  to be given
③  giving
④  being given
【单选题】 I noticed her ____ a pen from the ground.
①  to pick out
②  to pick up
③  pick out
④  pick up
【单选题】 Alice ___her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.
①  convinced
②  reinforced
③  pledged
④  required
【单选题】 Linda_______her husband a wallet before her husband bought her a watch.
①  has bought
②  bought
③  had bought
【单选题】 Though ____ rich, she was better off than at any other period in her life.
①  by means of
②  within her means
③  by all means
④  by no means
【单选题】 15. She suffered great mental_____ after her husband died, and as a result she became mad.
①  anger
②  . discomfort
③  unhappiness
④  anguish
【单选题】 She happily deposits the money she has earned teaching English in her savings account. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence
①  happily
②  she has earned
③  in her savings account
【单选题】 I [] she will recover quickly from her illness.
①  hope
②  wish
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 能与MHCⅡ类分子的非多态部位结合的膜分子是
①  CD2
②  CD4
③  CD8
④  CD3
⑤  抗原多肽
【单选题】 免疫接种后首先产生的抗体是
①  IgM
②  IgG
③  IgE
④  IgA
⑤  IgD
【单选题】 诱导免疫耐受宜采用下述哪种方法?
①  皮内注射凝集的抗原
②  静脉内注射凝集的抗原
③  肌肉内注射解聚的抗原
④  静脉内注射解聚的抗原
⑤  皮内、皮下同时注射抗原
【单选题】 树突状细胞有别于其他APC的特点是
①  刺激活化的T细胞增殖
②  刺激初始T细胞增殖
③  刺激记忆性T细胞增殖
④  刺激活化的CD4+T细胞增殖
⑤  刺激活化的CD8+T细胞增殖
【多选题】 Th1和Th2细胞共有的表面标志是
①  CD3
②  CD4
③  CD8
④  CD19
⑤  CD16
【多选题】 细胞因子的作用特点是
①  产生和作用具有多向性
②  以旁分泌和自分泌方式发挥作用
③  与 CKR 结合后才发挥作用
④  具有高效性
⑤  以网络形式发挥作用
【单选题】 全身性细菌感染时,补体活性片段发挥免疫效应主要通过
①  溶解细胞作用
②  ADCC作用
③  调理作用
④  引起炎症反应
⑤  清除免疫复合物
【单选题】 可刺激肥大细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞脱颗粒,释放组胺等过敏性介质的成分是
①  C1q、C1s
②  C3b、C4b
③  C3a、C2b
④  C2a、C5a
⑤  C3a、C5a
【多选题】 关于 HLA 的特性,下列哪些是正确的 ?
①  HLA I 类分子的β2m为非 HLA 基因编码产物
②  分析亲代与子代的 HLA表型可以进行亲子鉴定
③  HLA 分子与很多疾病相关
④  HLA 分子的肽结合区为肽链的多态性部位
⑤  HLA 分子是引起移植物排斥反应的抗原
【多选题】 Tc 细胞杀伤靶细胞的机制是
②  CDC
③  释放穿孔素
④  颗粒酶介导的细胞凋亡
⑤  Fas/FasL 介导的细胞凋亡