Have you considered________your job as a teacher?Yes.I like the job because a teacher is often considered________a gardener.
to change;to be
to change;being
changing;to be
【单选题】 —Have you considered ____ your job as a teacher? —Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered a gardener.
①  ?to change; to be
②  ?to change; being
③  ?changing; being
④  ?changing; to be
【单选题】 2. — Have you considered _____ your job as a teacher? —Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered _____ a gardener.
①  to change; to be
②  to change; being
③  changing; being
④  changing; to be
【单选题】 You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ____of your spectacles need changing.
①  lenses
②  glasses
③  sights
④  crystals
【单选题】 What qualities are considered good qualities of a good teacher?
①  Kind, humorous, well informed
②  Hard working, disciplined
③  Well prepared, dynamic and patient
④  All of the above
【判断题】 A: Do you like your job? B: Im a nurse.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He considered that the change would be ____ to his health.
①  healthy
②  available
③  profitable
④  beneficial
【单选题】 -Which job do you think I should take the counter’s job or the waiter’s job?-____.
①  That’s all right
②  It’s your own matter
③  It’s up to you
④  It’s none of your business
【单选题】 - Would you mind changing seats with me?
①  Yes, you can
②  Of course, I like to
③  No, I don’t mind
④  Certainly, please do
【单选题】 Do you mind changing seats with me?_________
①  Yes, you can.
②  Of course, I like to.
③  No, I don’t mind.
④  Certainly, please do.
【单选题】 40.—I`m sorry I didn`t do a good job. ---Never mind.____you have tried your best.
①  Aboveall
②  Aboveall
③  Atall
④  Afterall
【多选题】 驳论的具体方法()
①  直接驳斥其错误观点
②  直接揭穿对方证据虚假或论据不足
③  直接分析对方论证方法不合逻辑,进而否定其论点
④  其他
【多选题】 政论部分布局时有六种段落结构安排()
①  归纳论证结构
②  排列论证结构
③  比较论证结构
④  其他
【多选题】 几种常见的推理形式()
①  直接推理
②  演绎推理
③  归纳推理
④  类比推理
【多选题】 新闻评论修改的几个环节()
①  从政治上、政策上考虑,确保正确引导舆论,确保服务工作大局
②  检查核对引证材料是否有科学根据,文章中心内容是否突出,结论是否无懈可击
③  注意全文结构的完整性、逻辑性,力求使引论、正论和结论成为凤头、猪肚、豹尾
④  进行文字上的修改
【多选题】 杂文写作的基本要求?
①  砭痼弊常取类型
②  学会小题大作
③  富于联想
④  善于讽刺和幽默
⑤  巧妙用典
⑥  注意语言的生动有味
【多选题】 编者按的主要表现形式()
①  文前按语
②  文中按语
③  编后
④  其他
【单选题】 ?是新闻评论展开论证说理的部分。
①  正论
②  结尾
③  引论
④  其它
【多选题】 广播评论要善于?
①  就实论虚
②  叙事出理
③  其它
【多选题】 新闻评论的结尾一定要在总括全文基础上有所提高和发挥,换句话说,既要?,应富有启发性和号召性。
①  总括全文
②  高于全文
③  其它
【多选题】 广播评论的写作要求?
①  选题面向公众,突出“热点”问题
②  理论具体集中,善于就实论虚
③  采取对话形式,制成录音述评
④  形式多种多样,新鲜活泼