The monument(里程碑) was built in honor of the explorer who was believed________the river.
to have discovered
to have been discovered
to discover
having been discovered
【单选题】 13.The monument(里程碑) was built in honor of the explorer who was believed ____the river.
①  to have discovered
②  to have been discovered
③  to discover
④  having been discovered
【单选题】 As I knew him better, I discovered that my____ had been right.
①  enjoyment
②  improvement
③  impression
④  environment
【判断题】 A new bridge has been built on Xinan River.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —Who broke the window ? —Not me. It must have been ____ else.
①  someone
②  anyone
③  everybody
④  nobody
【单选题】 By using a system approach to health care, early ( )practitioners discovered acupuncture points.
①  Western
②  Southern
③  Northern
④  oriental
【单选题】 But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ____suffering and poverty.
①  anything but
②  nothing but
③  none other than
④  no more than
【单选题】 I have been at home [填空]Sunday.
①  on
②  for
③  at
④  since
【单选题】 A: Have you ever been to Huangshan? B:[填空].
①  No. Twice
②  I went there twice
③  Yes. Twice
④  Yes. Ill go there next month
【判断题】 A: How have you been? B: Fine.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 急性心肌梗死最常见的心率失常是()
①  窦性心动过速
②  窦性心律失常
③  心房颤动
④  房性期前收缩
⑤  房室传导阻滞
【单选题】 急性心肌梗死患者应避免用力排泄,其目的主要是防止()
①  用力过度引起虚脱
②  腹压加剧导致呕吐
③  血压徒升致脑溢血
④  诱发心律失常致猝死
⑤  血流加速引起脑梗塞
【单选题】 急性心肌梗死最早期最重要的治疗是()
①  绝对卧床休息、吸氧、避免过度紧张和焦虑
②  低分子右旋糖酐
③  极化液治疗
④  能量合剂
⑤  洋地黄
【单选题】 急性心肌梗死时,对诊断有价值的是()
①  S-T点明显下降
②  T波明显倒置
③  Q波小于同导联R波的1/4
④  血中肌红蛋白增高
⑤  谷草转氨酶与梗塞后1周时增高
【单选题】 对于更年期妇女调节饮食的原则下列说法错误的是()
①  减少高热量食物
②  增加高糖类食物
③  食用植物油
④  多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果以及谷类食物
⑤  多吃植物性蛋白
【单选题】 对于冠心病患者,血压控制目标应该在()
①  <140/90mmHg
②  <130/80mmHg
③  <140/80mmHg
④  <130/90mmHg
⑤  <125/75mmHg
【单选题】 急性心肌梗死发病3天的患者,在饮食上应注意()
①  少食多餐
②  按病人要求配餐
③  少量流质饮食,每日两次
④  多吃鸡蛋
⑤  禁食
【单选题】 对于血脂升分类不包括下列哪项()
①  高胆固醇血症
②  高甘油三脂血症
③  低密度脂蛋白血症
④  高密度脂蛋白血症
⑤  混合型高脂血症
【单选题】 目前主要降压药物不包括哪种()
①  他汀类
②  贝特类
③  烟酸类
④  激素类
⑤  不饱和脂肪酸
【单选题】 冠心病常见的病因是( )
①  重度主动脉瓣病变
②  冠状动脉栓塞
③  冠状动脉粥样硬化
④  肥厚型心肌病
⑤  冠状动脉痉挛