What ______if I drink this ?
is happening
will happen
is happened
【单选题】 What _________ if I drink this ?
①  happens
②  is happening
③  will happen
④  is happened
【单选题】 What ___ if I drink this?
①  happens
②  is happening
③  will happen
④  is happened
【单选题】 4.What if I drink this?
①  happens
②  is happening
③  will happen
④  is happened
【单选题】 ____ find out what had happened.
①  Not until he woke up did he
②  Not until he woke up he
③  Until he woke up did he
④  Until he woke up he
【单选题】 What’s happened to Jan?_______to hospital.
①  She’s been taken
②  She’ll be taken
③  She’ll take
【单选题】 ?What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building.
①  went
②  B) has gone
③  had gone
④  would go
【单选题】 A: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink? B:[填空].
①  Its your pleasure
②  Its very kind of you
③  Youre too nice to me
④  You spend money again
【判断题】 A: How about a cup of tea? B: No, I dont drink.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I always ____ what I have said.
①  get to
②  hold to
③  lead to
④  see to
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【判断题】 schema元素的elementFormDefault属性的取值为"qualified"或“unqualified”,当该属性的取值为“qualified”时,指出任何XML实例文档所使用的且在此schema中声明的元素必须被名字空间限定。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 如果在利用CSS表现XML文档时需要将某元素的内容设置为不可见,可以利用display属性,将其值设置为none就可以实现。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 颜色等。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 段落标记有自动换行,并在段落前后创建一些间距的作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在XML文档中,注释可以出现在标记和声明中。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 XML的内容描述与显示方式是相分离的,XML只管内容描述,显示方式交由样式单负责。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 删除线等特性,其取值可以为()。
①  none
②  underline
③  overline
④  line-through
【多选题】 若要指定某元素两边不允许有浮动元素内容存在,则可以使用()属性来设置,其取值为()。
①  clear
②  float
③  both
④  none
【多选题】 “vertical-align”属性用于设置元素内容的垂直对齐方式,共取值可以为()。
①  sub
②  super
③  top
④  bottom
【判断题】 XML允许在两个企业之间,或整个行业范围定义自己的数据标准。
①  正确
②  错误