You________return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.
may not
【单选题】 12.You _____ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.
①  cant
②  mustnt
③  neednt
④  may not
【单选题】 How can you keep the machine ()when you are away?
①  run
②  to run
③  running
④  being run
【单选题】 17. If you _____ to me, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.
①  listened
②  will listen
③  had listened
④  listen
【单选题】 A: Would you like to order now? B: [填空].
①  Im full now
②  But the price is high
③  Yes, Id like fish and soup
④  Its very kind of you
【单选题】 Please drop in whenever you can.. I’d like to keep _________ touch..
①  in
②  to
③  on
④  with
【单选题】 A: [填空], may I help you? B: Id like to book a single room, please.
①  Holiday Hotel
②  Speaking
③  Hey
④  Im Franco Rossi
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____ .?
①  fare ?
②  charge ?
③  money ?
④  pay?
【单选题】 You can take any apple ____________ you like.
①  that
②  which
【单选题】 A: Hello, Jane, do you still remember you said youd like to see Yao Ming? B: [填空] A: He is here at our university now.
①  Yes, why?
②  Yes, so what?
③  No, I dont.
④  No, I dont like him.
【单选题】 Professor White is out of office right now. Can you leave a_________ or call later?
①  message
②  information
③  idea
④  advice
【单选题】 渐开线上任意一点的法线必()基圆。
①  切于
②  垂直于
③  交于
④  无连接关系
【单选题】 带传动发生打滑总是()
①  在小轮上先开始
②  在大轮上先开始
③  在两轮上同时开始
④  不确定在哪轮先开始
【单选题】 普通平键联接,传递运动和动力是利用()
①  两侧面的摩擦力
②  两侧面的挤压力
③  上下面的挤压力
④  上下面的摩擦力
【单选题】 在凸轮机构中,决定从动件运动规律的是()
①  凸轮转速
②  凸轮轮廓曲线
③  凸轮形状
④  凸轮位置
【判断题】 铰链四杆机构中,传动角γ越大,机构传力性能越高。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在四杆机构中,取()杆作为机架,则可得到双摇杆。
①  靠近齿顶处
②  靠近齿根处
③  节线附近的齿顶一侧
④  节线附近的齿根一侧
【判断题】 移动副的导路必须与相对移动方向一致。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 极位夹角是曲柄摇杆机构中,摇杆两极限位置的夹角。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 构件的组合能否成为机构,其必要条件是()
①  F0
②  F=0
③  F0
④  F=1
【判断题】 在凸轮机构中,基圆半径取得较大时,其压力角也较大。
①  正确
②  错误