The greatest tragedy in life is not to lose too much,but care about too much,_________ is an important reason people are not happy.
【单选题】 Nobody is ______, so try not to worry too much about that.
①  full
②  entire
③  perfect
④  complete
【多选题】 Too much noise may_____________ mental problems.
①  thank to
②  due to
③  lead to
④  result in
【单选题】 If you drink too much, your health will get even ____.
①  bad
②  poor
③  worse
④  not well
【单选题】 Not only I but also James and Lucy_______afraid of having too much pressure.
①  is
②  are
③  be
【单选题】 — Did you visit the museum last week?—No, we________, but we spent too much time shopping.
①  could have
②  could
③  must have
④  must
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【单选题】 People____ very much in their ideas.
①  change
②  vary
③  alter
④  transform
【单选题】 Dont be too ____ about things youre not supposed to know.
①  strange
②  amusing
③  curious
④  conscious
【单选题】 Don’t be too ____ about things you are not supposed to know. ?
①  strange ?
②  amusing ?
③  curious ?
④  conscious?
【单选题】 It is only when you nearly lose someone ____ fully conscious of how much you value him.
①  do you become
②  then you become
③  that you become
④  have you become
【单选题】 我国藏碑最多的一座书法艺术宝库位于( )
①  汉中
②  北京
③  咸阳
④  西安
【单选题】 “黄河根祖文化”旅游区属于( )省。
①  河南
②  山东
③  山西
④  陕西
【单选题】 我国纬度最高的地区是( )
①  曾母暗沙
②  漠河
③  乌苏镇
④  喀什乌恰
【单选题】 华北黄土文化名山沃野海景风光旅游区有七大古都的( )个。
①  三个
②  四个
③  五个
④  六个
【判断题】 自然资源包括:地质地貌类,水体类,大气与天象类,生物类,风土民情类。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 1978年,在莫斯科召开的第23届国际地理学大会上,旅游地理作为地理学的一个分支被确立。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 张某是香港人,到山西去探亲,根据我国国家旅游局和统计局的定义,他属于国际旅游者。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列国家中属于我国三级旅游客源市场的有( )
①  墨西哥
②  印度
③  加拿大
④  俄罗斯
【单选题】 ( )是亚洲大陆北部山地生态系统的典型代表,同时也是满族的发祥地、朝鲜人民心目中的圣山。
①  大兴安岭
②  小兴安岭
③  长白山
④  千山
【单选题】 海外入境旅游市场的洲籍构成,哪个洲的市场份额最小( )
①  亚洲
②  欧洲
③  美洲
④  非洲