I_______here since I moved here.
will work
have been working
【单选题】 I ________ here since I moved here.
①  will work
②  worked
③  work
④  have been working
【单选题】 I came to?Beijing?in 1991 and have been ?[填空] here ever since.
①  live
②  lives
③  lived
④  living
【单选题】 I’m writing to you from London in a new flat. I _______ here since 2005.
①  was
②  have been
③  is being
【单选题】 _______I like most is_______I can have a party after work.
①  That,that
②  What, that
③  What, what
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【单选题】 Since you have already come, you _____ stay here for a couple of days.
①  might well
②  might as well
③  might have to
④  might
【单选题】 We have been hearing ______ accounts of your work.
①  favoured
②  favourable
③  favorite
④  favouring
【单选题】 A: How long have you been here?B: Not for long, only about five minutes. Alice and Monica ______ here with me.
①  have walked
②  had walked
③  were walking
④  walked
【单选题】 I wont be free ________ I finish this work.
①  :after
②  :until
③  :but
④  :when
【单选题】 _______ , I will help you with your work.
①  If I am possible
②  If it possible
③  If possible
④  Possible
【多选题】 父母自我状态的语言特征有( )
①  结论性
②  评论性
③  安抚性
④  总结性
⑤  需求性
【单选题】 旅游行为是旅游者为满足( )而享用旅游产品和服务的行为
①  他人需要
②  自身需要
③  尊重需要
④  社交需要
【单选题】 在旅游决策中,最易受旅游吸引的是( )
①  父母自我状态
②  儿童自我状态
③  成人自我状态
④  青年自我状态
【单选题】 社会需要是在社会历史发展过程中,在( )的基础上形成和发展起来的
①  物质需要
②  自然需要
③  精神需要
④  单一性需要
【判断题】 根据詹金斯和戴维斯研究家庭旅游决策的结果,旅游目的地的出游决定由妻子主导。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 诱导就是想方设法让人相信自己而采取行为人进行。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 旅游者的情绪和情感影响着旅游者的行为,旅游者的行为制约着旅游者的情绪和情感。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 文化冲突对旅游者带来的冲击可分为( )
①  强烈冲击阶段
②  适应与协调阶段
③  不适应和恢复阶段
④  适应与融入阶段
⑤  恢复和接受阶段
【单选题】 选择故地重游或去著名旅游区的旅游者是为了满足其 ( )
①  单一性需要
②  稳定性需要
③  多样性需要
④  享受性需要
【单选题】 在一个人的行为决策中,通常给予理性仲裁的是( )
①  儿童自我状态
②  父母自我状态
③  成人自我状态
④  青年自我状态