When he came to,he found himself________on a chair,with his hands________back.
to sit;tying
【单选题】 19. When he came to, he found himself _____ on a chair, with his hands _____ back.
①  to sit; tying
②  sitting; tying
③  seating; tied
④  seated; tied
【单选题】 When we came back, he found his bicycle ____
①  was stolen
②  had stolen
③  had been stolen
④  is stolen
【单选题】 When he came back after an absence of 20 years, he found his hometown completely ____. ?
①  changing ?
②  to be changed ?
③  to change ?
④  changed ?
【单选题】 He was _____ his late twenties when he found his first job.
①  in
②  after
③  after
④  from
【单选题】 When the passenger woke up, he found himself ____in a hospital ward.
①  lie
②  lay
③  lying
④  lain
【多选题】 He_____________ to be reading when his mother came in.
①  drew a conclusion
②  nothing but
③  made himself seem
④  pretended
【单选题】 It was not until his wife came back [填空]he went to bed.
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  whether
【单选题】 That day he ___________ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 ____ his illness, he came to the meeting.
①  Though
②  Because
③  Despite
④  Therefore
【判断题】 CT图像的空间分辨力较常规X线图像高
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 急性硬膜外血肿CT显示颅板下新月形高密度影,且可超越颅缝
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 磁共振成像中梯度回波序列和磁敏感加权成像均可显示正常组织之间或组织与病变之间磁敏感性的差异
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 彩色血流显示时,一般动脉血显示为红色,静脉血显示为蓝色
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 法洛四联症中肺血是减少的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 超声波是机械波的一种,在传播的过程中不会有能量的损失
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 MRCP显示扩张胆管内结石呈高信号
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 正常肾内围绕着肾窦的回声较低的结构是肾髓质
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 MRI为多参数成像,较CT能更充分显示正常及病变组织
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 髓外硬膜内肿瘤的椎管造影表现为梗阻面呈偏心“杯口”状,脊髓被推向对侧
①  正确
②  错误