当单击鼠标或拖动鼠标时,触发的事件是( )。
【单选题】 当单击鼠标显示一个隐藏层,这个动作的触发事件应该是( )。
①  onClick
②  onDblClick
③  onMouseOver
④  onMouseOut
【单选题】 以下选项中,鼠标单击事件对应的事件句柄是( )。
①  onChange
②  onLoad
③  onClick
④  onDblclick
【单选题】 ( )事件是鼠标单击了图像链接或图像映射这样的特定元素后产生的事件。
①  OnDbClick
②  OnClick
③  OnMouseOver
④  OnLink
【单选题】 用鼠标调整图片的大小,单击要调整大小的图片,利用鼠标拖动图片周围的() 来调整图片的大小。
①  控制点
②  直接拖动
③  可用ctrl+a
④  色块
【单选题】 下面的控件中不能执行鼠标单击事件的是
①  ImageButton
②  ImageMap
③  Image D
④  LinkButton
【单选题】 使用鼠标拖动方法进行直接复制文件或文件夹时,( )。
①  应按下[Shift]键
②  应按下[Ctrl]键
③  应按下[Alt]键
④  不需要键盘操作
【单选题】 使用鼠标拖动方法进行直接移动文件或文件夹时,( )。
①  应按下[Shift]键
②  应按下[Ctrl]键
③  应按下[Alt]键
④  不需要键盘操作
【简答题】 用鼠标调整图片的大小,单击要调整大小的图片,利用鼠标拖动图片周围的_____ 来调整图片的大小。
【单选题】 用鼠标调整图片的大小,单击要调整大小的图片,利用鼠标拖动图片周围的________来调整图片的大小。
①  缩小
②  复制
③  控制点
④  拉伸
【单选题】 当单击工具栏上的按钮时,会触发的事件是()。
①  ButtonClick
②  Change
③  ShowSave
④  ShowColor
【单选题】 Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour ____ originate over tropical ocean waters.
①  which
②  who
③  where
④  how to
【单选题】 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.
①  must study
②  should have studied
③  must have studied
④  is sure to study
【单选题】 This is the hotel _______last month.
①  which they stayed
②  at that they stayed
③  where they stayed at
④  where they stayed
【单选题】 He doesn’ t spend much time____ his homework.
①  in
②  do
③  on
④  to do
【单选题】 People’s status in society is frequently ____ by how much they own.
①  measured
②  examined
③  tested
④  questioned
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 It’s no good ____ him. He is always indifferent towards others’ matters.
①  to turn to
②  turning to
③  turn to
④  turned to
【单选题】 The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走)quietly to the bird. _____ into the forest when he was about to catch it.
①  Flew it away
②  Away flew it
③  Away it flew
④  Flew away it
【单选题】 In order to prepare a lecture, one must do a lot of research and spend plenty of time____ his material so that his speech is clear and easy to follow.
①  organizing
②  managing
③  operating
④  breeding
【单选题】 It is ten years_____ Miss Green returned to Canada.
①  that
②  when
③  since
④  as