2. English ____ in Canada.
are spoken
is speaking
is spoken
【单选题】 English ____ in Canada.
①  speaks
②  are spoken
③  is speaking
④  is spoken
【单选题】 3.This little girl began to show the sign of ______ her brother in spoken English.
①  better
②  surpassing
③  exceeding
④  beyond
【单选题】 I know the man by ____ but I have never spoken to him.
①  chance
②  heart
③  sight
④  experience
【单选题】 A ____ language is one which is still spoken by people in the course of their everyday lives.
①  living
②  live
③  lovely
④  alive
【单选题】 He speaks English ___ he speaks his mother tongue.
①  so good as
②  as good as
③  so well as
④  as well as
【单选题】 She speaks English ________ than I do.
①  good
②  better
③  well
④  best
【判断题】 A: Tom speaks English very well. B: So he does.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the possible activities for you to practice speaking English at school?
①  To talk to native speakers on campus.
②  To speak English to the waitress in English as you pay for a meal in a restaurant.
③  To rehearse aloud by yourself.
④  To talk with your classmates in English.
【单选题】 -- Whos speaking?-- This is Tom_____________.
①  :speaks
②  :spoken
③  :speaking
④  :saying
【单选题】 _________ English is different from __________ English.
①  writing, speaking
②  written, spoken
【判断题】 在工资管理系统中,定义公式时可不考虑计算的先后顺序,系统可以自动识别。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 采购请购单在( )的情况下可以修改。
①  已经审核未关闭
②  未审核
③  关闭
④  已经执行
【单选题】 采购业务的核销是指确定( )之间的对应关系的操作。
①  付款单与收款单
②  付款单与采购发票
③  付款单与入库单
④  付款单与采购订单
【单选题】 采购管理系统中采购入库单界面中“生成”功能的作用是( )。
①  参照采购到货单生成采购入库单
②  生成采购入库单
③  生成采购发票
④  参照采购发票生成采购入库单
【单选题】 采购运费的分摊方法包括( )。
①  按费用分摊和按存货分摊
②  按费用分摊和按数量分摊
③  按数量分摊和按金额分摊
④  按金额分摊和按存货分摊
【单选题】 下面关于采购发票描述正确的是( )。
①  采购发票可以在应付管理中审核,也可以在采购管理中审核
②  采购发票只能在采购管理中审核
③  采购发票只能在应付管理中审核
④  采购发票只有审核后才能在应付管理中查看到
【单选题】 下面( )不是存货核算的暂估方式。
①  月初回冲
②  月末回冲
③  单到补差
④  单到回冲
【单选题】 采购结算是指( )之间的结算。
①  采购发票与采购订单
②  采购发票与采购到货单
③  采购发票与采购入库单
④  采购发票与付款单
【单选题】 以下单据不能由采购订单生成的是( )。
①  采购到货单
②  到货退回单
③  报检单
④  采购发票
【单选题】 以下关于运费发票记录的费用结算功能描述错误的是( )。
①  运费发票记录可以单独进行结算
②  运费发票记录可以与采购入库单记录结算
③  运费发票记录可以直接分摊到具体的存货上
④  以上说法只有A和B正确