9.His new book___ next month.
will be published
is publishing
is being published
has been published
【单选题】 His new book___ next month.
①  will be published
②  is publishing
③  is being published
④  has been published
【单选题】 16.The teacher has published _____ on the teaching of English.
①  three paper
②  . three pieces of paper
③  three papers
④  three pieces of papers
【单选题】 12. Last year_________ of new books were published on environmental protection.
①  thehundred
②  hundreds
③  ahundred
④  onehundred
【单选题】 A good newspaper published both ____ and foreign news.
①  civil
②  domestic
③  democratic
④  national
【单选题】 The famous writer’s play, ________ in one of my books, was published in 1963.
①  to mention
②  mentioned
③  to be mentioned
④  mentioning
【单选题】 Next month I _______a meeting with an organization in New York.
①  would have
②  am having
③  was having
【单选题】 The new technology has been ( ) in the industrial production.
①  utilized
②  possessed
③  elevated
④  focused
【判断题】 A new bridge has been built on Xinan River.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Brierley’s book has the ___merit___ of being both informative and readable.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She was wondering whether he has been writing anything new ____
①  late
②  later
③  latter
④  lately
【判断题】 不同直径钢筋采用电渣压力焊时,应按直径较大的钢筋选择焊接参数。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 钢结构高层和超高层建筑的高空施工,当风速为10m/秒时,所有工作均须停止。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 滑升模板施工中,模板的滑升分为初试滑升和正常滑升两个阶段。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 现浇钢筋混凝土结构电梯井井筒全高(H)的垂直度允许偏差为( )mm。
①  H/1000或<30
②  H/1000且<30
③  H/1000或≤30
④  H/1000且≤30
【单选题】 电渣压力焊主要经过引弧、电弧、电渣和挤压四个过程,其中对焊件加热有重要影响的是( )过程。
①  引弧和电弧
②  电渣和挤压
③  电弧和挤压
④  电弧和电渣
【单选题】 对钢筋电渣压力焊的接头进行外观检查时,接头处的弯折角不得大于:( )
【单选题】 模板工程中易出现各种质量问题,其主要原因是:( )
①  模板刚度不够
②  浇注砼时使模板受力过分不均,以及振捣时过分受力
③  首层结构模板支撑点地基变形
④  在正在施工的结构上承受过多堆载
【单选题】 现浇高层混凝土结构施工中,大直径竖向钢筋的连接一般采用( )。
①  电弧焊 、电渣压力焊、气压焊
②  电渣压力焊、气压焊、机械连接技术
③  电弧焊、电渣压力焊、机械连接技术
④  电弧焊、气压焊、机械连接技术
【判断题】 单立杆双排钢管扣件脚手架的搭设高度一般不得超过50m。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 自升塔式起重机与正在施工的建筑物附着,其锚固装置以上的塔身自由高度,一般不超过30m。
①  正确
②  错误