He was _____ his late twenties when he found his first job.
【单选题】 When he came back after an absence of 20 years, he found his hometown completely ____. ?
①  changing ?
②  to be changed ?
③  to change ?
④  changed ?
【单选题】 When we came back, he found his bicycle ____
①  was stolen
②  had stolen
③  had been stolen
④  is stolen
【单选题】 When he came to,he found himself________on a chair,with his hands________back.
①  to sit;tying
②  sitting;tying
③  seating;tied
④  seated;tied
【单选题】 19. When he came to, he found himself _____ on a chair, with his hands _____ back.
①  to sit; tying
②  sitting; tying
③  seating; tied
④  seated; tied
【单选题】 He was totally not aware when the thief _____ his wallet from him.
①  tricked
②  stole
③  robbed
④  deceived
【单选题】 19. He tried to _____ from his memory what he knew of his former neighbor..
①  think of
②  remember
③  summon
④  gave way
【判断题】 He will help his colleage with her job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 After so many years, he still ____ the hope that his lost son would return one day.
①  clang to
②  clung to
③  inclined to
④  subjected to
【单选题】 When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
①  ruined
②  cracked
③  broke
④  split
【单选题】 He found it hard to ( ) his studies in such a noisy environment.
①  devote to
②  dwell on
③  concentrate on
④  depend on
【简答题】 何为四书五经?
【简答题】 总结《窦娥冤》的思想内容与艺术成就。
【判断题】 《陌上桑》的女主人公是刘兰芝。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 杜甫的杰出乐府诗“三吏”“三别“是描写安史之乱社会现实的一组叙事性史诗,其“三吏”的篇名是( )。
①  《贼退示官吏》
②  《新安吏》
③  《石壕吏》
④  《潼关吏》
【单选题】 王勃的名句“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”所属诗篇是(    )。
①  《长安古意》
②  《帝京篇》
③  《送杜少府之任蜀州》
④  《从军行》
【单选题】 著名诗句“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”所属诗篇是(    )。
①  《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》
②  《再游玄都观》
③  《酉塞山怀古》
④  《石头城》
【单选题】 李白绝句佳作“故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流”的篇名是(    )。
①  《望庐山瀑布》
②  《望天门山》
③  《早发白帝城》
④  《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》
【单选题】 清代最大的散文流派是(    )。
①  桐城派
②  阳湖派
③  公安派
④  竟陵派
【单选题】 《登楼赋》的作者是(   )。
①  A王粲
②  曹植
③  鲍照
④  左思
【单选题】 描写文人自身生活,借此反思整个封建文化的价值体系,这类小说的代表作是(    )。
①  《聊斋志异》
②  《官场现形记》
③  《儒林外史》
④  《红楼梦》