Do you know the man _______?
whom I spoke
to who spoke
I spoke to
that I spoke
【单选题】 The diplomat to____________ I spoke is my best friend.
①  which
②  when
③  who
④  whom
【单选题】 06. He spoke so quickly that I didn t _________ what he said.
①  makefor
②  makesure
③  makeover
④  makeout
【单选题】 [填空] old man with black hat spoke [填空] English well at [填空] lecture.
①  An,an,a
②  The,/,an
③  The,/,a
④  The,/,the
【单选题】 He spoke English with a [] French accent.
①  thick
②  powerful
③  widespread
④  pronounced
【单选题】 Not until the pretty woman opened her mouth and spoke, ______she was a foreigner.
①  did I realize
②  had I realized
③  I had realized
④  I realized
【单选题】 17.Her_____ body language spoke much louder than her actual words.
①  graceful
②  . grateful
③  gracious
④  grand
【单选题】 A: Do you know that Tony quarreled with his brother? B: I dont know,[填空].
①  nor dont I care
②  nor do I care
③  I dont care neither
④  I dont care also
【单选题】 I know the man by ____ but I have never spoken to him.
①  chance
②  heart
③  sight
④  experience
【判断题】 I will help you do it. = I will help you to do it.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Do you mind if I join you?
①  I’m very happy to do so
②  Never mind
③  Please do
④  Oh, I can’t
【单选题】 下列药物中用煅淬法炮制的药物是
①  明矾
②  自然铜
③  血余炭
④  石决明
⑤  干漆
【单选题】 酒蒸后消除刺激咽喉副作用,增强补脾润肺益肾作用的药物是
①  肉苁蓉
②  女贞子
③  黄精
④  五味子
⑤  地黄
【单选题】 酒制后能增强祛风通络作用,并能矫嗅、防腐的药物是
①  当归
②  乌梢蛇
③  川芎
④  紫河车
⑤  水蛭
【单选题】 发芽法浸渍度含水量应为
①  32%—35%
②  42%—45%
③  52%—55%
④  62%—65%
⑤  72%—75%
【单选题】 发酵法的相对湿度应控制在
①  40%—50%
②  50%—60%
③  60%—70%
④  70%—80%
⑤  80%—90%
【单选题】 发酵法的质量要求中错误的是
①  气味芳香
②  无霉味、酸败味
③  曲块表面霉衣黄白色
④  曲块内部有斑点
⑤  曲块黑色为佳
【单选题】 朱砂的主要成分是
①  硫化汞
②  氧化汞
③  游离汞
④  氧化砷
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 炒后利于保存有效成分的是
①  莱菔子
②  牵牛子
③  槐米
④  决明子
⑤  苍耳子
【单选题】 斑蝥素的升华点为
①  84℃
②  100℃
③  1lO℃
④  128℃
⑤  138℃
【单选题】 有效成分为挥发油的药物,不宜采用的炮制方法为
①  净制
②  水浸泡
③  加热处理
④  阴于
⑤  抢水洗