Many people prefer large cars, ___ large cars are safer than small ones.
to think
having thought
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ___ that many people think they are real.
①  beautiful
②  natural
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ________ that many people think they are real.
①  natural
②  beautiful
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 Large fish usually _____ small fish.
①  gather
②  take on
③  feed on
④  organize
【单选题】 The people who ____________ cars work very quickly.
①  astonish
②  assemble
③  afford
④  acquire
【单选题】 People are spending more of their income on goods such as cars and household ________ .
①  facilities
②  appliances
③  instruments
④  equipment
【单选题】 The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.
①  has
②  have
③  there is
④  there are
【单选题】 In Australia,_____ the Asians make their influence in businesses large and small.
①  feeling
②  feel
③  felt
④  to be felt
【单选题】 —How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?—Its hard to say. _______ people, I think.
①  Million of
②  Millions of
③  Two millions of
④  Two million of
【单选题】 As they are retired, the Smiths prefer a house in the country to spend the rest of their life _____ in a large city.
①  in this
②  to one
③  with that
④  about it
【单选题】 China has a large population than [填空] in the world.
①  all the countries
②  every country
③  any country
④  any other country
【单选题】 任务M的优先级为500,任务N的优先级是800,任务P的优先级是300,则进行任务拆分时,哪个任务可以优先进行拆分()?
①  M
②  N
③  P
④  同时拆分
【单选题】 以下哪种任务可以没有时差
①  关键任务
②  非关键任务
③  周期性任务
④  摘要任务
【单选题】 在默认情况下Project的资源视图中的某些资源显示为红色,则表示该资源
①  已被分配
②  分配不足
③  分配过度
④  特殊资源
【单选题】 某项目的木工组有6名木工,其中有二名是兼职的,只有一半的时间投入在该项目中,则可在“资源工作表”视图中将木工资源的最大单位设置为
①  400%
②  500%
③  550%
④  600%
【多选题】 三坐标管理是指项目中的()
①  进度管理
②  费用管理
③  质量管理
④  X,Y,Z坐标
⑤  项目的地理位置
【多选题】 Project为用户提供的20多种预定义报表可以归纳为以下哪几类?()
①  任务报表
②  资源报表
③  进行中
④  仪表板
⑤  成本报表
【判断题】 资源分配过度只能通过“调配资源”的方法解决。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 项目合并后,主项目与子项目的信息是不同步的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下哪项成本与任务工期的长短和资源分配的多少无关?()
①  任务的固定成本
②  摘要任务的成本
③  各子任务的成本
④  非关键任务的成本
【单选题】 摘要任务的完成时间取决于
①  摘要任务本身的完成时间
②  最早结束的子任务的完成时间
③  最晚结束的子任务的完成时间
④  项目的竣工时间