—Who broke the window ? —Not me. It must have been ____ else.
【单选题】 A: How long have you been here?B: Not for long, only about five minutes. Alice and Monica ______ here with me.
①  have walked
②  had walked
③  were walking
④  walked
【单选题】 I haven’t made any new friends yet and everybody here makes ____ of me.
①  fun
②  smile
③  laugh
④  joy
【判断题】 Is there anyone else?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: What time is it? B: Sorry, I dont have a watch with me.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 20. ______ you can’t answer this question, we have to ask someone else for help.
①  Although
②  While
③  Whether
④  Since
【单选题】 I am very grateful to you for what you’ve given me and __________ you have done for me.
①  which
②  that
③  all what
④  all that
【判断题】 If we want to ask the addressee to convey regards to someone else, we may use: Please remember me to your father.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ——Do you have anything in mind ____ you’d like for supper? ——Well, ____ is okay with me.
①  that;anything
②  which;everything
③  what;whatever
④  where;something
【单选题】 I’ m going to do all I can to____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.
①  move
②  remove
③  shift
④  transform
【单选题】 Someone is coming here. Who_____ it be?
①  will
②  shall
③  must
④  can
【单选题】 确诊脓肿形成的最可靠依据是
①  血培养
②  穿刺
③  触诊
④  测体温
【单选题】 下列颌骨骨髓炎中易形成大块死骨的是
①  化脓性中央性颌骨骨髓炎急性期
②  化脓性中央性颌骨骨髓炎慢性期
③  化脓性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎急性期
④  化脓性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎慢性期
【单选题】 牙源性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎X线平片表现哪项是正确的
①  早期骨小梁脱钙致骨小梁影像不清
②  病变边界不清
③  骨质增生,骨质破坏少,无死骨形成
④  晚期,炎症周围界线渐清楚,但无死骨形成
【单选题】 下颌牙源性中央性颌骨骨髓炎X线片位选择为
①  下颌前部合片
②  下颌横断合片
③  下颌骨侧位片
④  颌翼片
【单选题】 易复发可恶变的颌骨囊肿是
①  根端囊肿
②  始基囊肿
③  含牙囊肿
④  角化囊肿
【单选题】 颌骨囊肿X线
①  下颌骨体有大小不等的多房阴影
②  下颌骨内有单房透明阴影,四周有白色骨质线
③  颌骨内虫蚀状骨质破坏区,四周骨质可有破坏
④  下颌角见骨质疏松脱钙,并有骨质增生
【单选题】 颌骨内最常见的牙源性囊肿是
①  牙源性角化囊肿
②  含牙囊肿
③  萌出囊肿
④  根尖囊肿
【单选题】 最为常见的口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤是
①  腺泡细胞癌
②  骨肉瘤
③  黑色素瘤
④  鳞状上皮细胞癌
【单选题】 属于牙源性良性肿瘤的是
①  甲状舌管囊肿
②  纤维瘤
③  成釉细胞瘤
④  牙龈瘤
【单选题】 颌骨良性肿瘤的主要X线表现为
①  骨质破坏
②  边界清晰
③  有骨膜反应
④  有空腔形成,有虫蚀样破坏