【单选题】 某中心受压条形基础,宽2m,埋深1m,室内外高差0.6m,埋深范围内土的重度=17 kN/m3,若上部结构传来荷载F=400kN/m,基底附加应力P0为( )。
①  203.9kPa
②  205.1kPa
③  209kPa
④  215kPa
【单选题】 某住宅工程室内外高差为0.3m,条形基础标高为-1.8m,则基础埋深为( )m
①  0.3
②  1.5
③  1.8
④  2.1
【单选题】 某住宅工程室内外高差为0.3m,条形基础标高为-1.8m,则基础埋深为[填空]m
①  0.3
②  1.5
③  1.8
④  2.1
【判断题】 防护栏杆搭设,上杆离地高度为1~1.2m,下杆离地高度为0.5~0.6m。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 基础埋深的最小深度为( )
①  0.3m
②  0.5m
③  0.6m
④  0.8m
【单选题】 基础埋深的最小深度为
①  0.3m
②  0.5m
③  0.6m
④  0.8m
【单选题】 埋深小于5m,或埋深大于5m,但小于基础宽度,用常规方法就能施工完成的是( )。
①  人工地基
②  天然地基
③  浅基础
④  深基础
【单选题】 管道埋深最小覆土厚度一般不小于()m。
①  0.9
②  0.6
③  0.3
④  0.7
【判断题】 埋深大于等于5m或埋深大于等于基础宽度的4倍时称为深基础。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在一般情况下,基础的埋深应不小于( )m。
①  0.2
②  0.5
③  0.6
④  1.0
【单选题】 Bread and butter ____ liked by Westerners.
①  is
②  are
③  were
④  be
【单选题】 I don’ t think it’ s important, _____?
①  doesn’ t
②  is it
③  do I
④  isn’ t
【单选题】 You’ d rather have a cup of tea than have a cup of coffee, _____?
①  wouldn’ t you
②  hadn’ t you
③  would you
④  had you
【单选题】 Without his timely help, we _____ all these in such a short period of time.
①  dont accomplish
②  have not accomplished
③  should not accomplish
④  would not have accomplished
【单选题】 I am sorry I have no time at present to ____ more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
①  bring into
②  take into
③  come into
④  go into
【单选题】 He cannot ____ a car, for he does not earn much money.
①  obtain
②  afford
③  donate
④  consume
【单选题】 It’s not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and ____ your wife and children.
①  take it out on
②  take out it on
③  take out on
④  take on it with
【单选题】 A ____ person is one who is easily hurt or offended by things that people do or say.
①  sensitive
②  sensible
③  smar
④  wise
【单选题】 Don’ t forget to put the book back on the shelf, _____?
①  do you
②  don’ t you
③  will you
④  won’ t you
【单选题】 Beth could ____ her coat because it had large red buttons.
①  recognize
②  prove
③  define
④  claim