The old lady _____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
【单选题】 While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____ the old lady’s necklace.
①  having taken
②  taking
③  to have taken
④  to take
【单选题】 While being questioned on the court, the man denied _____the old lady’s necklace.
①  having taken
②  taking
③  to have taken
④  to take
【单选题】 The old lady was _______ to the young man who helped her find her lost generation.
①  touched
②  cheerful
③  gratefu
④  generous
【单选题】 ____ from the top of the hill, the city is just like a garden.
①  To see
②  Having seen
③  Seen
④  Seeing
【单选题】 6.The old lady fainted on the street and found herself in the first aid room when she came_________.
①  across
②  over
③  in
④  to
【单选题】 The child who fell dow from the second floor_______to the hospital already.
①  has taken
②  is taken
③  has been taken
【单选题】 My boss is a 40-year-old man, _______ wife is from Australia.
①  that
②  which
③  whose
【单选题】 14.The thief fell to the ground,his left foot ____and blood ____down from his mouth.
①  breaking; running
②  broken; running
③  breaking; run
④  broken; run
【单选题】 The thief fell to the ground,his left foot________and blood________down from his mouth.
①  breaking;running
②  broken;running
③  breaking;run
④  broken;run
【单选题】 But for the immediate help from his neibour, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 若调用一个函数,且此函数中没有RERURN语句,则关于该函数正确的说法是()
①  有返回值
②  回若干个系统默认值
③  能返回一个用户所希望的函数值
④  返回一个不确定的值
【多选题】 在函数调用时,以下说法不正确的是()
①  函数调用后必须带回返回值
②  实际参数和形式参数可以同名
③  函数间的数据传递不可以使用全局变量
④  主调函数和被调函数总是在同一个文件里
【单选题】 定义一个能够存放10个整型数据的一维数组的定义格式正确的是()
①  int a[9]
②  float a[10]
③  float a[9]
④  int a[10]
【单选题】 a=(1,2,3);语句执行后,a的值是()
①  是0
②  是2
③  是3
④  是1
【单选题】 将(AF)16与(78)16进行按位异或的结果是()。
①  (D7)16
②  (28)16
③  (D8)16
④  (27)16
【单选题】 有以下程序,程序运行以后的输出结果是() #include stdio.h main( ) { int a[ ]={2,3,5,4},i; for(i=0;i switch(i%2) { case 0:switch(a[i]%2) {case 0:a[i]++;break; case 1:a[i]--; }break; case 1:a[i]=0; } for(i=0;i printf(\n); }
①  3 3 4 4
②  2 0 5 0
③  3 0 4 0
④  0 3 0 4
【单选题】 循环结构控制方式有两种、由明确次数来控制循环结束的循环结构是()。
①  条件控制循环
②  计数控制循环
③  选择控制循环
④  顺序控制循环
【单选题】 通过输出设备,将程序处理结果显示的操作是()。
①  输入
②  输出
③  修改
④  判断
【单选题】 若有定义:int a[3][4],则对数组a 元素的正确引用是()。
①  a[2][4]
②  a[1,3]
③  a[2][3]
④  a[3][1]
【单选题】 sizeof(double)的结果值是()。
①  8
②  4
③  2
④  出错