_____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure beause their motives are misunderstood by others.
Bur for
Except for
Apart from
Except that
【单选题】 When making a choice of words, a speaker/writer needs to consider the following major factors EXCEPT_______.
①  audience
②  length of speech
③  purpose
④  formal and informal English
【单选题】 When making a choice of words, speaker/writer needs to consider the following major factors EXCEPT_______.
①  audience
②  length of speech
③  purpose
④  formal and informal English
【单选题】 Mr. Kent is one of those happy people whopleasure from helping others.
①  deceive
②  deprive
③  devise
④  derive
【单选题】 William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT _______.
①  the use of everyday language spoken by the common people
②  the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter
③  the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
④  the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
【单选题】 The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT ______.
①  mystery of the universe
②  sin of the whale
③  power of the Great Nature
④  evil of the world
【单选题】 Emily Dickinsons poetic idiom is noted for the following except .
①  brevity
②  directness
③  plainest words
④  obscure
【单选题】 Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies are the following works except ____.
①  Hamlet
②  King Lear
③  Romeo and Juliet
④  Othello
【单选题】 The Sad Young Men included a group of young intellectuals except ________.
①  Hemingway and Dos Passos
②  Rod W. Horton and Herbert W. Edwards
③  F. Scott Fitzgerald and Eugene O’Neill
④  Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and E. E. Cummings
【单选题】 Lily is a good student except ________ she is a little bit careless.
①  where
②  which
③  that
【单选题】 Adverb collocations can tell us the following aspects EXCEPT________.
①  what something is about
②  how something is done
③  where something is done
④  when something is done
【单选题】 下列叙述正确的是( A )
①  局域网是指一个有限区域内连接的计算机网络
②  数据总线是独立模块运行数据的通道
③  多数传输是在不同通道或线路上同时传输多余信息
④  CAN 协议支持两种报文格式,即标准格式和扩宽格式
【判断题】 在LIN-BUS总线中,数据总线可采用单线。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在CAN-BUS总线中,数据传输终端电阻的作用是防止数据在线端被反射。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 舒适CAN数据总线连接5个控制单元,( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列电脑属于远程唤醒(RCD)电脑的有( )
①  发动机电脑1320
②  BSI
③  变速箱电脑1630(6速AT)
④  随动大灯电脑6606
【多选题】 出现多个电控单元无法对话时,应该对下列哪些故障进行测( )
①  所以无法通讯的电控单元供电
②  无法通讯电控单元的搭铁
③  共同的通讯导线
④  网关
【单选题】 汽车 MOST 技术是指( )
①  无源光学星形网络
②  多媒体定向系统传送
③  线控技术
④  多路传送系统
【单选题】 车门控制单元的功能不包括( )
①  控制电动机可外调后视镜
②  电动车窗升降机的过载保护
③  电动车窗防夹保护功能
④  降噪平缓升起功能
【单选题】 下列哪层不属于低层网络( )
①  应用层
②  数据链路层
③  物理层
④  网络层
【判断题】 一个LIN电控单元所使用的传输方式与CAN网电控单元所使用的传输方式是相同的( )
①  正确
②  错误