They have considered their high standard of living a(n) _____for practicing their basic beliefs.
【单选题】 They have considered their high standard of living a(n) ____for practising their basic beliefs.
①  award
②  reward
③  result
④  consequence
【单选题】 23.They have considered their high standard of living a(n)____for practising their basic beliefs.
①  award
②  reward
③  result
④  consequence
【多选题】 如果输入的是5,以下程序运行结果不正确的是() #include #define M n+n void main( ) { int n; int result; printf(请输入一个整数:); scanf(%d, result=M*M; printf(result = %d\n,result); }
①  100
②  35
③  25
④  50
【单选题】 8. ____ I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved..
①  Had
②  If
③  When
④  Unless
【单选题】 Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ____ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.
①  maximum
②  minority
③  majority
④  minimum
【单选题】 —Have you considered ____ your job as a teacher? —Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered a gardener.
①  ?to change; to be
②  ?to change; being
③  ?changing; being
④  ?changing; to be
【单选题】 2. — Have you considered _____ your job as a teacher? —Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered _____ a gardener.
①  to change; to be
②  to change; being
③  changing; being
④  changing; to be
【单选题】 Have you considered________your job as a teacher?Yes.I like the job because a teacher is often considered________a gardener.
①  to change;to be
②  to change;being
③  changing;being
④  changing;to be
【单选题】 These two areas are similar __________ they both have a high rainfall during this season.
①  to that
②  besides that
③  in that
④  except that
【单选题】 We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always _____his principles.
①  lives on
②  lives up to
③  lives through
④  lives with
【多选题】 行政领导者素质的构成主要有( )。
①  道德素质
②  文化素质
③  心理素质
④  政治素质
【多选题】 奠定公共行政学理论基础的代表人物是(),他们提出了政治与行政分离的观点。
①  威尔逊
②  古德诺
③  韦伯
④  法约尔
【多选题】 以行政权力的划分作为标准来进行分类,可以把行政体制分为( )。
①  中央政府体制
②  地方政府体制
③  中央与地方关系体制
④  行政区划体制
【多选题】 孔子主张
①  行“仁政”
②  反对“非礼”
③  反对“暴政”
④  反对残酷剥削
【单选题】 6.English is widely used ______ travelersand business people all over the world.
①  to
②  for
③  as
④  by
【单选题】 17. Hurry up, _______ you will miss the train.
①  and
②  so
③  however
④  or
【单选题】 10. Japan lies ______ the east of China.
①  to
②  in
③  about
④  at
【单选题】 12. We didn’t catch the train _______ we left late.
①  so
②  because
③  but
④  though
【单选题】 7. ______ the help of my teacher, I caught up with the other students.
①  Under
②  In
③  With
④  On
【单选题】 9. -You’d better not go out now. It’s raining. -It doesn’t matter. My new coat can keep ______ rain.
①  in
②  of
③  with
④  off