Setting up a committee might be a way _____the project more efficiently.
to be doing
to do
being done
【单选题】 If they ___ to do this work, he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 If they______to do this work,he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 1. If they ______ to do this work, he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 — Do you want to go to see a movie?— ______________ I feel like doing something different.
①  Dont mention it.
②  Yes. I want it.
③  Not really.
④  Adeal.
【单选题】 She has always been quick to pick things up, doing ( ) well in school without really trying.
①  passably
②  passable
③  passenger@passage
【单选题】 A: How are you doing?B: [填空].
①  Good night
②  Not so bad. And you?
③  I m pleased.
④  How do you do?
【判断题】 What?has she doing?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 What was Mary doing yesterday?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What [填空] you doing at this time?
①  were
②  are
③  is
④  was
【单选题】 —Good morning, John. How are you doing?—____.
①  Im pleased.
②  Good night.
③  Not so bad. And you?
④  How do you do?
【判断题】 循环图表是用图表的形式,在时间上、空间上规定人员、设备的工作岗位和工作量,并明确各工序间的协作和衔接关系等
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 悬吊理论认为:锚杆支护的作用就是将巷道顶板较软弱岩层悬吊在上部稳定岩层上,以增强较软弱岩层的稳定性。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 进行立井井筒永久支护的工作盘称为( )
①  封口盘
②  固定盘
③  吊盘
④  稳绳盘
【单选题】 关于喷射混凝土,说法错误的是:
①  先给水,后开风
②  水压应比风压大0.1MPa左右
③  喷嘴与受喷面垂直时,回弹率最低
④  水灰比适宜为0.4~0.45
【判断题】 岩石大巷、上下山、采区集中巷、半煤岩巷道多采用拱形类断面。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列各项中不属于混合炸药的是( )
①  梯恩梯
②  铵梯炸药
③  铵油炸药
④  水胶炸药
【单选题】 巷道的净宽度B必须满足从道渣面起1.6m的高度内留有一定宽度的人行道,此宽度为( )
①  0.7m
②  0.8m
③  0.9m
④  1.0m
【判断题】 目前,常用的掏槽方式,按照掏槽眼的方向可分为三大类,即斜眼掏槽、直眼掏槽和单向掏槽
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 轨距是指直线线路上两条钢轨轨头内线之间的距离。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下面的道岔选取原则的叙述中中,错误的是:
①  与基本轨的轨距相适应
②  与基本轨的轨型相适应
③  与轨道的中心距相适应
④  与行车速度相适应