Operations which left patients _____and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
【单选题】 Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
①  exhausted
②  unhealthy
③  upset
④  fearful
【单选题】 Let’s get through the work quickly.----seems to be little time left now.
①  It
②  There
③  That
④  We
【单选题】 The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them ___.
①  right
②  correct
③  perfect
④  well
【单选题】 Earthquakes ( ) in the region about once a week, without the people feeling them.
①  struck
②  attacked
③  broke
④  occurred
【单选题】 You need money and time. _____________, you need to work hard.
①  In addition
②  such as
③  In a word
④  For instance
【单选题】 It’s getting late and I have to leave now.____________
①  So soon! I hope youve enjoyed it.
②  Have a cup of tea.
③  Not at all.
④  How about a cup of coffee?
【单选题】 Curiosty [] imagination are imporant qualities which help stimulate the discovery of many facts abut science.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 The dispute is ____ to be settled for a long time to come.
①  uncertain
②  susceptible
③  impossible
④  unlikely
【单选题】 As for words which do not often occur in everyday situation, you just need to be able to ____.
①  recognize them
②  nod at them
③  concentrate much on them
④  practice using them constantly
【单选题】 ____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 深II度烧伤的特点( )
①  创面呈红斑样改变
②  创面痛觉敏感
③  可见树枝状栓塞血管
④  如无感染,可融合修复
⑤  愈合后无疤痕
【单选题】 小儿烧伤双下肢包括臀部,用九分法计算面积应为( )
①  2×9%+1%+(12-年龄)
②  3×9%-1%+(12-年龄)
③  4×9%+1%-(12-年龄)
④  5×9%+1%-(12-年龄)
⑤  6×9%-1%+(12-年龄)
【单选题】 III度烧伤的特点( )
①  痛觉较迟钝
②  仅有较小的水泡
③  有网状栓塞血管
④  局部温度高
⑤  伤及皮肤全层、甚至达皮下、肌肉或骨骼
【单选题】 用新九分法计算成人烧伤面积,下列不正确的是( )
①  头、面、颈部各为3%
②  两上臂为6%
③  躯干为27%
④  两臀为5%
⑤  双前臂为6%
【单选题】 一体重60kg患者,烧伤面积(Ⅱ°、Ⅲ°)50%,第一个24小时补液总量为( )
①  3000ml
②  4500ml
③  6000ml
④  6500ml
⑤  8000ml
【单选题】 关于全身性冻伤的急救处理,不恰当的措施是( )
①  尽快使伤员脱离寒冷环境
②  衣服、鞋袜等连同肢体冻结者,应用40℃温水使冰冻融化后脱下
③  以冰雪拭冻伤部位,促使局部快速复温
④  将伤员置于15~30℃温室中
⑤  复温以肢体红润、皮温达到36℃左右为妥
【单选题】 关于狂犬病的正确叙述,不包括( )
①  仅由疯犬咬伤引起
②  应给予抗生素预防感染
③  咬伤后注射破伤风抗毒素
④  潜伏期可达数月
⑤  预防采用狂犬病疫苗主动免疫
【单选题】 体重60kg患者,烧伤面积(Ⅱ°、Ⅲ°)50%,其中Ⅲ°烧伤面积占22%,其补液成分中胶体液应为( )
①  1000ml
②  1500ml
③  2250ml
④  2750ml
⑤  3250ml
【单选题】 严重烧伤的第一位死因是( )
①  休克
②  急性呼吸衰竭
③  急性肾功能衰竭
④  脓毒症
⑤  电解质紊乱
【单选题】 诊断脑震荡的主要依据是( )
①  头皮擦伤痕
②  颅骨骨折
③  头晕、头痛
④  短暂昏迷和逆行性遗忘
⑤  生命体征变化