Information and opinion gap exercises have to have some content _____talking about.
【单选题】 Information and opinion gap exercises have to have some content ___ talking about.
①  worthwhile
②  worthily
③  worth
④  worthy
【单选题】 11. -Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008? -I don’t think so. Now ______ the young ______ the old can speak some English.
①  either…or
②  not only… but also
③  neither…nor
④  both…or
【单选题】 — Would you like to have some icecream?— _______________
①  I don’t know.
②  No,thanks.
③  I dont like it.
④  I like it.
【单选题】 You’ d better find some information about Nike’s“Chamber of Fear” advertisement, _____?
①  wouldn’ t you
②  had you
③  hadn’ t you
④  should you
【单选题】 The thought flashed across my mind: “By some ?means or______ she has some information about my engagement. But how?”
①  other
②  others
③  the other
④  the others
【单选题】 Before the final examination, many students have shown ___ of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  signs
④  remarks
【单选题】 Before the final examination, some students have shown _______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  remarks
④  signs
【单选题】 We’ll _____you as soon as we have any further information.
①  notify
②  signify
③  communicates
④  impart
【单选题】 — We have to stop talking here. Listen, _____! —Hurry up, or we’ ll be late.
①  There goes the bell
②  There does the bell go
③  There the bell goes
④  Goes the bell there
【判断题】 What are you talking about?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下不是信息安全需要保证的是( )
①  信息的保密性
②  信息的真实性
③  信息的完整性
④  信息加密
【单选题】 以下不是按照网络的拓扑结构分类的是( )
①  星型网络
②  环型网络
③  网状网络
④  线性网络
【判断题】 杀毒软件可以清除各种未知的病毒
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下关于预防计算机病毒的描述不正确的是( )
①  不使用来历不明的软件
②  安装真正有效的防毒软件,并经常进行升级
③  尽量少使用计算机
④  经常对重要数据进行备份
【判断题】 域名解析是把域名转换成IP地址
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 通常按网络覆盖的地理范围分类,可分为:局域网、(? ?)和广域网三种。
①  城域网?????
②  有线网???????
③  无线网???
④  星型网络
【单选题】 以下不属于信息安全技术的是( )
①  加密技术
②  防火墙技术
③  身份认证
④  重装系统
【单选题】 计算机病毒是一种( )
①  程序
②  生物病毒
③  化学感染
④  微生物感染
【单选题】 域名管理系统在互联网的作用是:把域名转换成为网络可以识别的(? ?)。
①  物理地址??
②  IP地址??????
③  硬件地址??
④  逻辑地址
【单选题】 下列IP地址哪个是合理的( )
①  123.442.20.1
②  123.45.67