The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must _____them.
【单选题】 Alice: Natalie must have left since your plane arrived so late.Sam: To my surprise, I found her waiting for me at the airport.Alice: ___________
①  What a pity.
②  How kind.
③  Good for her.
④  No kidding.
【单选题】 Alice: Natalie must have left since your plane arrived so late. Sam: To my surprise, I found her waiting for me at the airport. Alice: ___________
①  What a pity.
②  How kind.
③  Good for her.
④  No kidding.
【单选题】 They _ on the programme for almost one week before I joined them, and now we on it as no good results have come out so far.
①  had been working; are still working
②  had worked; were still working
③  have worked; were still working
④  have worked; are still working
【判断题】 A: I have lunch in the restaurant. B: So have I
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 9. He must have got into your room ______ at night.
①  somewhat
②  somehow
③  however
④  whatever
【单选题】 Can I have a look at your passport?
①  It is here
②  Here is it
③  Here you are
④  No, you can’t
【判断题】 A: May I have your order now? B: No, I dont have a choice of meat.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —I want to have my CD player fixed, but I cant find a repair shop. —Oh, I know_____ . Come on, Ill take you there.
①  one
②  the one
③  ones
④  many
【判断题】 A: May I have your order now? B: No, I don’t have a choice of meat.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “I haven’t read ____ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them.”
①  something
②  some
③  any
④  anything
【多选题】 新人进职场会遇到三道关,分别是
①  人际关系关
②  工作关
③  经济关
④  心态关
【多选题】 如何避免自信变成骄傲?
①  以上都是
②  接受不完美的自己
③  不听旁人的建议
④  多学习,虚心听取别人的意见
【多选题】 价值观支配着人的什么?
①  信念
②  行为
③  理想
④  态度
【多选题】 日本企业积极实行集体决策, 一旦企业内部出现意见分歧会怎么做
①  放弃决策,随便处理
②  靠从许多渠道取得更多信息,待大家都掌握后再来一起决策
③  独断专行
④  上一级领导不搞一言堂
【单选题】 频繁跳槽的危害?()
①  浪费时间,浪费精力
②  浪费精力
③  没有危害
④  浪费时间
【单选题】 强迫症思维模式的人在()城市较为多见
①  在乡村
②  在二三线等压力比较小得
③  美国
④  在北上广深等一线竞争压力比较大的
【单选题】 蒸汽机被内燃机车所取代,电子管被晶体管所取代,都是()
①  市场成熟的结果
②  技术变革的结果
③  市场竞争的结果
④  制度发展的结果
【单选题】 在我国,重知识、轻能力训练的教育模式存在诸多不利于创新的弊端,所以需要大力发展()
①  义务教育
②  继续教育
③  职业教育
④  高等教育
【单选题】 ()是把事物的整体分解为若干部分进行研究的技能和本领
①  创造能力
②  实践能力
③  综合能力
④  分析能力
【单选题】 练习冥想时应该()
①  不停地在脑海里做未来的计划
②  不停地在脑海里暗示自己是最棒的
③  不停的回忆过去
④  只关注呼吸,不理会脑海杂乱的念头