Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social _____.
【单选题】 Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social ____.
①  occasions
②  cases
③  situations
④  circumstances
【单选题】 ____ nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.
①  /
②  That
③  Itisacceptable
④  When
【多选题】 Department stores usually___________ customers with various kinds of goods.
①  match
②  service
③  supply
④  provide
【单选题】 The policemen( ) many cases by following the footprints left at the scene of crime.
①  investigate
②  investigated
③  has investigated
④  have investigated
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true about vocabulary?
①  a vocabulary item can be more than one word
②  Vocabulary can not be taught. It must be learned by the individuals
③  Words are best learned in context
④  An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students.
【单选题】 Which of the following is NOT true about The Canterbury Tales?
①  It is written in the form of a dream.
②  Chaucer chose a pilgrimage as the framework for the stories.
③  It is written for the greater part in heroic couplet.
④  “The General Prologue” introduces the pilgrims, the time and occasion of the pilgrimage.
【单选题】 Which of the following is true about pronunciation teaching?
①  Learners whose native language has similar sounds are less likely to have problems with pronunciation
②  Learners who have more exposure to English need less focus on pronunciation
③  Beginning Chinese learners of English need a certain degree of focus on pronunciation
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 About the novel The Scarlet Letter, which of the following statements is NOT right?
①  Its very hard to say that it is a love story or a story of sin.
②  Its a highly symbolic story and the author is a master of symbolism.
③  Its mainly about the moral, emotional and psychological effects of the sin upon the main characters and the people in general.
④  In it the letter A takes the same symbolic meaning throughout the novel.
【单选题】 which the following choice is right about the meaning of shrink?( )
①  褪色
②  缩水
③  变形
④  淋浴
【单选题】 which the following choice is right about the meaning of costume ?( )
①  化妆
②  流行
③  服装
④  纽扣
【单选题】 下哪项不是优先级A的情况可能出现的原因?
①  定期检查分配出去的工作
②  对不同的工作所需的时间估计不足
③  计划日程里没有包括处理突发问题的时间
④  到了紧要关头,仍然未采取行动
【单选题】 关于口头语言沟通的优点,下列说法不正确的是?
①  及时获得反馈
②  可提供永久记录
③  思想共享
④  进行充分的交流
【单选题】 由于项目增加,技术部门需要招聘2名技术人员,而人事部门表示公司这个季度的招聘计划已经完成。这个冲突产生的根本原因是?
①  标准的冲突
②  误传消息
③  相互竞争
④  目标、计划或任务的不协调
【单选题】 为了使团队成员工作起来感到心情舒畅,领导者需要营造一种授权的氛围。关于营造团队授权气氛,说法正确的是?
①  要为团队成员提供必要的工具
②  领导者要自己解决问题,不要放手交给成员去做
③  授权不需要信任、开放以及相互沟通的气氛
④  团队成员不用知道他们所要完成的任务是不是经常改变
【单选题】 在组织内,要保证信息流从高层传递到所有部门和员工,最好的沟通方式是?
①  平级形式
②  从下到上形式
③  综合形式
④  从上到下形式
【单选题】 保存记录是反馈过程中的重要步骤,关于保存记录的作用,说法不正确的是?①记录有助于了解过去的绩效; ②记录对了解过去的绩效有好处; ③记录可帮助团队成员按要求进行工作; ④记录在非正式评估中,是没有用处的。
①  ①④
②  ①②
③  ③④
④  ②③
【单选题】 办公室的设计风格体现了沟通方式中的哪种沟通?
①  书面语言
②  肢体语言
③  口头语言
④  道具
【单选题】 假如一个客户服务中心的关键工作是“提供与产品和服务相关的信息”,为了高效地完成这项工作,需要将这项任务分解为?①掌握现有的产品与服务的相关信息; ②可进入产品与服务信息数据库; ③跟踪并处理客户的不满; ④参加每周的团队产品与服务简要汇报会。
①  ①②③
②  ②③④
③  ①②④
④  ①③④
【单选题】 能够使自我得到收获的反馈就是有益的反馈,但在什么情况下,获得的反馈是无益的反馈?
①  当你想学习和提高
②  当你认为反馈是无价值时
③  当你主动寻求反馈时
④  当反馈来自于你尊敬的人时
【单选题】 完成任务是领导者的主要任务之一。关于“完成任务”,说法不正确的是? ①领导者需要思考怎样统揽全局并使自己的团队与其他团队相互配合而不会发生冲突;②领导者需要控制自己的感情并理解其他团队成员的情感;③领导者需要明确如何使团队目标与组织的总体目标相适应;④在团队成员承担新任务时,领导者应及时给他们提供培训。
①  ②④
②  ①③
③  ①②
④  ③④