Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is _____motivating for students.
【单选题】 About 60 percent of the students ___ from the south, the rest of them ___ from the north and foreign countries.
①  are/is
②  are/are
③  is/are
④  are
【判断题】 What are you talking about?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Young kids are always filled with enormous ( ) about almost everything, which sometimes leads them to danger.
①  Ambition
②  curiosity
③  craze
④  violence
【单选题】 When you meet someone who ____ deeply about something, you probably will want to ask them why they do so.?
①  absorbs ?
②  cares ?
③  considers ?
④  minds?
【单选题】 Something ( ) hung in the air between them.
①  update
②  uniform
③  union
④  unspoken
【判断题】 I don’t know what you are talking about.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students work in groups?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small group
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students study by themselves?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small groups
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students work in a pair?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small groups
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 A: [填空]. Where was I? B: You were talking about your trip to South Africa.
①  What did I hear
②  Lets back up
③  Lets check in
④  What were you talking about
【多选题】 社会知识的基本特征包括
①  社会知识是一种规范性的知识或策略性的知识
②  社会知识的发展方式是螺旋性的
③  社会知识具有鲜明的文化性
④  社会知识诉诸于一具体社会实践效果的“证实”
【多选题】 后现代知识的性质对后现代课程的影响包括
①  反思和改革科学课程
②  开发本土课程
③  加强人文课程
④  在教学过程中反对知识霸权
【多选题】 “后现代知识的性质”或“知识性质的后现代观念”包括
①  文化性
②  境遇性
③  中立性
④  价值性
【多选题】 民主作为人类的一项政治制度设计,是有着它的针对性的,其局限性包括
①  民主制度的合法性
②  民主制度自身设计的局限性
③  民主制度实施过程中人的素质局限性
④  民主制度应用范围的局限性
【多选题】 从历史上看,社会的重建有着各种各样的途径,其中最基本的途径有两个:一条是( )的途径;另一条是( )的途径。
①  革命
②  战争
③  改良
④  教化
【多选题】 秩序,从其类型上说,大致可以分为两种
①  自由的秩序
②  民主的秩序
③  理想的秩序
④  强制的秩序
【多选题】 英国教育哲学家彼得斯从( )几个方面规定了教育的核心标准或基本用法。
①  教育过程
②  教育目的
③  教育方法
④  教育对象
【多选题】 以下关于民主价值的表述正确的是
①  民主是自由的保障
②  民主是德性的基础
③  民主反对个性的多样性
④  民主有助于健康人格的形成
【多选题】 民主需要教育,教育对于民主制度具有重要的作用,原因是
①  民主的生而无知
②  民主的多样性
③  民主的局限性
④  民主实践的复杂性
【多选题】 民主依赖于教育,教育为民主所能做的事情就是培养民主公民,而民主公民的素质结构包括
①  民主意识
②  民主态度
③  民主知识
④  民主能力
⑤  民主信念