He did me a _____turn by lending me ten pounds.
【单选题】 He did me a ____ turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【多选题】 I doubt_____________ he will give me a good job.
①  if
②  what
③  where
④  whether
【单选题】 A: What did the man say to you?B: Oh , he asked me ___ a cigarette.
①  with
②  to
③  for
【单选题】 He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __________ of hunger.
①  would be died
②  would die
③  would have died
④  will die
【单选题】 —It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.—Well, you know what they say. _____.
①  There is no smoke without fire.
②  Practice makes perfect
③  All roads lead to Rome
④  No pains, no gains
【单选题】 My friends [填空] me a nice present on my next birthday.
①  will gives
②  will give
③  gives
④  give
【单选题】 He told me that he ____ by his uncle in the countryside.
①  will be brought up
②  has been brought up
③  had brought up
④  was brought up
【单选题】 A: This meal is on me. [填空]. B: Thanks, but isnt it my turn to treat you?
①  Its none of your business
②  Ill treat you
③  My pleasure
④  I invite you
【单选题】 He sent me ( ) flowers on Valentimes Day
①  a lot of
②  a bunch of
③  a pair of
④  a pile of
【单选题】 It is____ me that he should be absent.
①  astonished at
②  astonishing to
③  surprised to
④  surprising at
【单选题】 为了解心脏结构和功能的变化,最常选用的检查方法是()
①  心电向量图
②  超声心动图
③  心导管检查
④  心电图运动负荷试验
⑤  心脏核素检查
【单选题】 根治快速性心律失常首选()
①  射频消融术
②  直流电同步电复律
③  直流电非同步电复律
④  洋地黄类药物
⑤  利多卡因
【单选题】 下列哪项属于容量负荷(前负荷)过重()
①  二尖瓣关闭不全
②  主动脉瓣狭窄
③  高血压
④  肺动脉高压
⑤  肺动脉瓣狭窄
【单选题】 心力衰竭的诱因不包括()
①  感染
②  水钠潴留
③  心律失常
④  环境气候变化
⑤  病人依从性好
【单选题】 心功能评定(纽约分级)中“不能胜任较轻的体力活动”是()
①  I级
②  II级
③  III级
④  IV级
⑤  V级
【单选题】 心力衰竭的分期中被称为“需要特殊干预治疗的难治性心力衰竭”是()
①  A期
②  B期
③  C期
④  D期
⑤  E期
【单选题】 心力衰竭的临床表现的体征不包括()
①  心界缩小
②  肺部啰音
③  奔马律
④  颈静脉怒张
⑤  脉压变小
【单选题】 下列哪类药物不是急性心力衰竭的治疗药物()
①  镇静剂
②  β受体阻滞剂
③  血管扩张剂
④  血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂
⑤  支气管解痉药
【单选题】 关于急性心力衰竭的一般治疗说法错误的是()
①  病人取坐位,双腿下垂,减少静脉回流
②  去除诱因,控制感染
③  治疗合并症,维持内环境稳定
④  严密监测肾功能,选择合理治疗措施保存肾功能
⑤  低浓度、低流量吸氧
【单选题】 关于慢性心力衰竭的一般治疗,下列说法错误的是()
①  去除诱因
②  控制感染
③  纠正心律失常
④  增加钠盐的摄入量
⑤  吸氧