The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles, _____been mentioned in previous chapters.
a few of which
a few of them
a few of those
a few of that
【单选题】 There have been few novels by revolutionaries free of those faults____ by Marx and Engels.
①  punished
②  blamed
③  criticized
④  scolded
【单选题】 Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,_________?
①  dont they
②  didnt they
③  did they
④  do they
【单选题】 Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ___?
①  don’t they
②  didn’t they
③  did they
④  do they
【单选题】 3. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ____ ?
①  but
②  and
③  though
④  so
【单选题】 There has been an atmosphere of ( ) around here for a few days now.
①  anticipation
②  greeting
③  knowledgw
④  knowing
【单选题】 These goods are _____ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.
①  essentially
②  completely
③  necessarily
④  remarkably
【单选题】 The prices of the agricultural products have been ____ steadily in the past few years.
①  risen
②  raised
③  arisen
④  aroused
【单选题】 This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ____ last week.
①  be fixed
②  have fixed
③  fix
④  have been fixed
【单选题】 This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ____ last week.
①  be fixed
②  have fixed
③  fix
④  have been fixed
【单选题】 The few Americans and Germans seemed just as _____ as I was.
①  constrained
②  curbed
③  inhibited
④  withhold
【单选题】 在SQL中,对嵌套查询的处理原则是___。
①  从外层向内层处理
②  B.从内层向外层处理
③  C.内、外层同时处理
④  D.内、外层交替进行
【单选题】 为了对表中的各行进行快速访问,应对此表建立___。
①  约束
②  规则
③  索引
④  视图
【单选题】 在关系数据库设计中用___来表示实体与实体之间的联系。
①  树结构
②  封装结构
③  二维表结构
④  图结构
【单选题】 隔离性和___。
①  A.共享性
②  B.继承性
③  C.持久性
④  D.封装性
【单选题】 可共享的数据集合。
①  A.数据管理系统
②  B.数据库系统
③  C.数据库
④  D.文件组织
【单选题】 在关系代数运算中,五种基本运算为___。
①  并、差、选择、投影、自然连接
②  并、差、交、选择、投影
③  并、差、选择、投影、乘积
④  并、差、交、选择、乘积
【单选题】 下面___组命令,将变量count值赋值为1。
①  Declare@countSelect@count=1
②  Dimcount=1Selectcount=1
③  DeclarecountSelectcount=1
④  Dim@countSelect@count=1
【单选题】 同一个关系模型的任两个关系值___。
①  A.不能全同
②  B.可全同
③  C.必须全同
④  D.以上都不是
【单选题】 在关系数据库系统中,为了简化用户的查询操作,而又不增加数据的存储空间,常用的方法是创建___。
①  A.另一个表
②  B.游标
③  C.视图
④  D索引
【单选题】 下列不属于需求分析阶段工作的是___。
①  分析用户活动
②  建立E-R图
③  建立数据字典
④  建立数据流图